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Fallia, Rider of Pearl Dragon Tenia

Name: Gabriella

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Age: 17

Persona's Name: Fallia

Type: Dragon Rider

Rank/Job: Amethyst Pool Lair Rider

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Physical Description: Fallia is shorter than most and slight of build. She has chocolate brown hair and deep aqua eyes. Her complexion is fair, and she has a trio of freckles on each cheek. She has an unusual birthmark on her right shoulder that is the shape of a crescent moon. She dresses simply in a riding tunic that matches the color of her eyes, dark brown trousers and boots to match. She wears a necklace that was given to her by her grandmother when she was a baby. It is a locket that bears the inscription "Grace and starlight to thy wings forever."

Personality: Fallia is a people person in every sense of the word. She makes friends easily and can talk to everyone she meets with ease. People are quick to trust her, and they often come to her for advice and counsel.

Fallia tends to see the good in all people, and sometimes this can get her into trouble, as she is quick to trust others. She often overlooks people's negative qualities, believing instead that she can somehow change them when they are unwilling or unable to be changed.

Special Talents: Fallia is an untrained Spirit mage. She is an excellent swordswoman, but she prefers to talk before resorting to fighting as a final option.

Mother's Name: Katrina

Mother's Rank: Groundskeeper for the Queen

Father's Name: Earon

Father's Rank: Infantry Trainer

Siblings: None

Background: Fallia's family has served the royal family for generations. Fallia grew up surrounded by the pomp and circumstance that comes with living in a castle. Fallia is proud to be able to be the first in her family to be a bondmate rider.

Pets: Fallia has a pet tiger named Quillina. She is a rare white beast who has been her companion since they were both "cubs." She has a fierce appearance, but to Fallia, she acts like an overgrown pussy cat.

Location: Amethyst Pool Lair


Bondmate's Name: Tenia

Bondmate's Age: 10

Age at Bonding: 13

Bondmate's Color: Pearl

Bondmate's Description: Tenia is a playful Pearl dragon who compliments Fallia's personality perfectly. To those who don't know her, she appears fierce and unwelcoming. But when she's around Fallia, they have grand times chasing clouds and cracking jokes. But when it comes to training to defend Q'uinar, Tenia is all business and is excellent in battle.

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