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The Gryphons of Q'uinar

The Gryphons have three ranks each. They are:


Silver - The Silvers are the Queens of the Gryphons. They are very poised and regal in both look and manner. They are very caring for their riders and the Gryphons under their command, but have been known to be quite vain. They will mate with the highest ranking male available, 2 to 3 times a year with a clutch of anywhere from 3-7 eggs.

Blue - The second largest Gryphons on Q'uinar. These Gryphons are known for their quick minds and incredible memory. They are quite caring for their riders, and their rider's family and friends. They make excelent guards, and have a deep sence of responsibility towards their Queen. They mate only once a year with a clutch of 2-5 eggs.

Purple - These Gryphons are like eternal children. They are very playful and can remember jokes better than lessons. They are the fastest of the Gryphons, and make the best messengers when a falcon is not available. They very rarely mate, but if they do, they will only have one egg.


Gold - The King of the Gryphons. He, like his Queen, is incredibly royal and proud. This Gryphon is always willing to go straight into battle, and hates to watch a fight from afar. The Gold gryphons will mate only with the highest ranking female.

Black - The Black Gryphons are the perfect scouts. They blend into the night incredibly well, and have amazing night vision. They are more cat than bird, slinking around everywhere they go and sticking to the shadows. The Blacks will mate with any female, except for a Silver.

Green - The most loyal of all the Gryphons. This male is the main fighter on Q'uinar. His beak is razor sharp, and his tallons long and deadly. His personality may be vicious on the battlefield, but he is quite sweet and soft hearted. The Greens will mate with any female, but usually mate only with Purples.

All the female colors have a hint of silver to them, and all the male colors have a hint of gold.

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