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Harbor Cove Island

Harbor Cove is the home port of almost all ships in Q’uinar. It is where the master shipbuilders reside and teach. They all live ouside of Alxia City, each one near a different cove. There are four main shipbulder masters currently.

Alxia is the major trading center of all of Q'uimar. Many people come to sell and to buy things from other islands.

It is also where all things come to be delivered among the islands. Such as: Food from Long Island will go to Harbor Cove Island before being transported to any other island.

There are seven main coves and harbors. To keep down confusion, each harbor is known mainly by its number. But some of the older sea fearers still use their real names. They are:
1 - Dton Cove
2 - Urime Cove
3 - Iwmaqi Cove
4 - Keima Cove
5 - Friem Cove
6 - Pwima Cove
7 - Zfeiam Cove

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