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Name: James Walker

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Age: 15

Persona's Name: Jirtin

Type: Gryphon Rider

Rank/Job: Personal spy for the Queen, answering only to her.

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Halfling-Cat\Human

Physical Description:
Height: 6 ft 1 inch
Being a cat I am very lean in shape but I have an incredibly strong body. My reflexes are fast and usually fierce. My hair is short and black although I have a white strip going down my back.If you were to see me out in public you would see that I wear a black vest and black pants. Of course you won't see me in the marketplace that much although often you'll be able to see me riding my Gryphon to the castle of Quiani.

Personality: Very few know my baackground. The only one that truly knows who I am is Queen Quiani. I am a faithful servant of hers and also a good friend. I am always quiet and will rarely volunteer information. I am able to let some people in and they become close friends.

Special Talents: I am no mage but a fiercee fighter. I fight with many weapons. I use my claws and teeth. I also carry a sword of special diamond given to me by the queen. It is very sharp and incredibly hard. I carry a dagger and a blackjack. I am also an accomplished archer but rarely carry a bow because of the difficulty of storing it.

Mother's Name: Aquiel

Mother's Rank: Peasent Shop owner

Father's Name: Kyle

Father's Rank: Peasent Mountain Climber

Siblings: None

Background: I was born in the green valley of Riah. My parents didn't want me to be a peasent so I was bonded with a black Gryphon named Roc when I was 2. I grew up and left Riah island and went into the service of the Queen

Pets: None yet.

Location: S'dan City - The Queen's Castle


Bondmate's Name: Roc

Bondmate's Age: 18

Age at Bonding: 2

Bondmate's Color: Black

Bondmate's Description: When you first meet Roc he is very stoic and seems to pay no attention to you. He is actually very friendly when you begin to know more about him. He is a fierce fighter and also an incredible scout. He is almost completly black but with very small gold speckles on his stomach. This gives the allusion of Stars to people looking to the sky at night.

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