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The Library

The library is huge, packed with books lovingly shoved on shelves and spilling out over tables. You glance at Quiani. She blushes slightly. “It needs cleaning.”

You smile.

She leads you straight to a table covered with several books. She knows exactly where the book she is looking for is, even in this mess.

She picks it up with a triumphant smile. “Ah! Here it is!” It is covered in rich red leather with gold binding and letering. On the cover it simply says Q’uinar. She hands it to you. “Everything you would like to know is in here.”

You take it and crack it open.

The table of contents stares back at you.

Magic On Q'uinar
Careers on Q'uinar
Coral Harbor Pod
White Feather Herd
Amethyst Pool Lair
Moon Thread Eyrie
Days, Months and Years
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