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Magic On Q'uinar

The magic on Q’uinar consists of eight branches. Eight being the infinite number. The branches are, in no particular order of importance or strength:

Earth Magic - The magic of the ground
Air Magic - The magic of the air
Fire Magic - The magic of fire
Water Magic - The magic of water
Void Magic - The magic of the void
Spirit Magic - The magic of the spirit
Song Magic - The magic of song
Star Magic - The magic of theory

Earth Magic is the magic of the ground and the plants. Earth mages have the powers to make things grow, and shape plants into different images. They make very good gardeners, as they can make phenomenal gardens and keep them beautiful almost infinitely.
Earth mages wear robes of varying shades of green. The darker the green, the more powerful the maze.

Air Magic is the magic of the air. Air mages are able to control the winds and a little bit of the weather.
Air mages wear robes of varying shades of blue. The darker the blue, the more powerful the mage.

Fire Magic is the magic of fire. Fire mages can control all forms of heat, from sunlight to candlelight. They are able to control light as well, directing it into dark places so that others may see.
Fire mages wear robes of varying shades of red. The darker the red, the more powerful the mage.

Water Magic is the magic of water. Water mages are able to control the water, from streams to the oceans. Very strong water mages can control the tides.
Water mages wear robes of varying shades of teal. The darker the teal, the more powerful the mage.

Void Magic is the magic of the Void. The Void is the presence of everything, rather than the presence of nothing. Void magic is currently nonexistent on Q’uinar, as the Void mages were killed in the past, for others were afraid of them. The only person who can practice Void magic is Zardon.
Void mages, if there were any, would wear black robes with stars on the shoulder. One star is an apprentice. Eight (four on each shoulder) is a master. The stars start on the left shoulder. For example, a beginning mage who just got his first star, would put it on the left shoulder. The next star would go on the right, and then back and forth until he had achieved master status.

Spirit Magic is the magic of the spirit. Also misunderstood, there are a few spirit mages, and they are able to control dreams and thoughts. Feelings as well are influenced by strong spirit mages. They can make someone happy, or depressed. They can give someone the drive to succeed, or take the wind out of their sails.
Spirit mages wear robes of varying shades of purple. The darker the purple, the more powerful the mage.

Song Magic is VERY rare, and only a few song mages are still living. The song mages are able to greatly influence people. They can wake someone up or put them to sleep. They can even change their own shape, through ancient songs. People are terrified of the song mages, for if someone abused their powers, they would be almost invincible. But the remaining song mages are very cautious and strict about who they let learn their magic.
Song mages wear robes of maroon. On their shoulders they wear silver stars. One star is an apprentice. Eight (four on each shoulder) is a master.

Star Magic is the magic of the stars. These mages can not do much currently, as all the stars are in their proper places. But very powerful star mages are able to shift the positions of the bodies in space.
Without anything to do, the star mages discovered that they had other powers...the powers of theory. These mages are able to use their magic to view dimly into the future, and create theories based on what they see.
Star mages wear robes of silver. On their shoulders they wear navy blue stars. One star is an apprentice. Eight (four on each shoulder) is a master.

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