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The Pegasi of Q'uinar

The Pegasi of Q'uinar are quite different than the story-book pegasi of children's tales. The Q'uinar Pegasi are all Air Mages of varying skills. They come in many colors, each with a particular talent.

All the colors can either be male or female, except for the Gold Pegasi and the Silver Pegasi. Those two Pegasi (male and female, respectivly) are the Pegasi gods. They are not true colors on Q'uinar.

Pegasi mate for life, and mate three times a year with only one offspring.

The Pegasi colors are by their mane and tail coloring. Their bodies can be any color (even gold and silver) Here are the colors and talents:

Navy Blue--Rain Probably the most resptcted color, the Navy Pegasi can give rain, and therefore give life, wherever it is needed. These Pegasi are quite rare, and only two have ever been in a herd at a single time.

Pale Blue--Cloud Sculpting One of the less respected colors, the Pale Blues seem, to many, to have a useless talent. Cloud Sculpting is grand during festivals, granted, but seems to be frivalous and worthless in everyday life.

Red--Warmth This talent is great during the winters, that can get quite cold during the winters on X'oan Isle.

Yellow--Sunlight Directing These Pegasi are the scouts, and they know the mountains better than anyone. Their talent of directing light is invaluble to caravans crossing the G'con mountains.

Orange--Lightning Directing This talent is very handy during the monsoon seasons when lightning strikes anywhere and everywhere. These Pegasi are on patroll around the cities and forests, directing the lightning to safer places.

Pale Orange--Lightning Sculpting Like Cloud Sculpting, this talent is indeed beautiful but most think it is worthless. During the monsoon seasons one can comission one of these Pegasi to sculpt a message for you across the sky. It only lasts an instant, but it is one of the most popular methods of asking someone to marry you.

Green--Seed Carrying An invaluble talent, these Pegasi direct the directions of the winds carrying seeds and airborn spores. These Pegasi can determine the expansions of the forests and plants.

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