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Pets on Q'uinar

There are many pets on Q'uinar. All earth pets live on Q'uinar. But these are the most popular:

You follow Quiani into a huge room. It is thickly carpeted, and toys are scattered everywhere. She laughs. "This is where my pets stay. Or the pets of others that I am looking after. I need to check on them if you would care to follow me..."

Panthers - These deep ebony cats are excelent hunting partners, and are very good for carrying messages through forests.

Tigers - Like the Panthers, only these huge cats are more gentle than their black compatriots.

Hawks - Excelent for show, the wealthy class breeds these magnificent birds for hunting contests and shows.

Wolves - These pets are hard to capture and tame, and unless you get one as a pup, forget it!

A fluttering of green wings makes you look up. A tiny green firelizard is angiling down towards you. You duck. Quiani chuckles and holds out her arm. They tiny 'lizard lands. She strokes it's head softly. "This is M'kl. She's wonderful to have around." She smiles at you and you read about the mini dragons.
Mini Dragons (Fire Lizards)- Ever popular among children, these minis have the same colors and ranks as their larger counterparts, and can send emotions to their partner. These must be bonded at birth.

Quiani then bends down and picks up a wandering mini gryphon. She strokes his back and he purrs gently. She hands him to you. The mini shakes his head and jumps from your hands to the floor. Quiani chuckles. "Ulcan doesn't like new people very much." You rub the claw marks the mini left on your arm. "I guess not..." She smiles softly and hands you a parchment.

Mini Gryphons - Most popular among the elderly. They have the same ranks as the larger Gryphons, and can speak in chopy sentances. Must be bonded at birth.

Falcons - These incredibly quick birds are becomming more and more the courriers of Q'uinar, much to the indignation of the Ruby and Red Riders. There are even rumors drifting around that the Riders are to be disbanded, as the falcons are easier to use to send messages. They are extremly fast and reliable. There is only one major Falcon breeding family on Q'uinar, and they are the Flston Family. They live on X'oan, and breed their birds. To have a Falcon from the Flston family is a high honor indeed. They are the best around.

Song Birds - These little birds are only big enough to sit in the palm of someone's hand. Their voices are pure and true, and each one has a different range, but perfect pitch and tone. Most bards have at least one, as their sounds are prefered over any other instrument. They are used as backup sounds for songs. You can teach each one a different part, que them to sing, and they will acompany you whlie you sing the vocal part.

You almost trip over another interesting looking creature, and bend down to pick it up. The female cat-creature is a golden coloring, with wavy fur that is as soft as goose down. She settles deep into your arms, and you smile. So, not ALL the animals hate you...

"That's Shakespere." She says. "She's very friendly." Again she hands you a parchment, and, still holding Shakespere, you read it.

Draslian - These little guys are some of the hardest to catch pets in all of Q'uinar. They prefer to stay wild, and even a tame one has known to run away. But they are incredibly sweet and caring, if you can catch one.

Shakespere suddenly jumps from your arms and races out the door. Quiani smiles. "She rarely sticks around for long...

You peek out of the window and gasp at what you see. "What's that?" You ask. Quiani moves next to you and gives a shrill whistle. The creature pauses, head straight up, and runs over to you in an awkward gait. He thrusts his beak at Quiani's chest, and the Queen chuckles and gives him a treat. "This is Edan. He's a very good runner, if a Falcon is not available.

Pteryx - These odd looking creatures don't have many uses on Q'uinar. They can be used to transport small loads, but their wings are non-functional. They stand as high as the average man, and are quite skittish. They live in the plains in herds.

Shakespere, Edan and Ulcan are all adopted from The Ever Realm

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