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Quiani, Queen of Q'uinar

(Lot's of Q's huh? =^_^=)

Name: Latoria

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Age: 16


Persona's Name: Quiani

Type: Noble

Rank/Job: Queen of Q'uinar

Age: 43

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Physical Description: Quiani is a very beautiful woman, with long brown hair and dark colored skin. Her eyes are coffie colored, and her body is slim and firm.

Personality: She is very friendly, but reserved. Inside her is tremendous turmoil, for her world is being torn to shreads.

Special Talents: She is a very good diplomat.

Mother's Name: Kiara

Mother's Rank: Former Queen of Q'uinar (deceased)

Father's Name: Phillip

Father's Rank: Former King of Q'uinar (deceased)

Siblings: None

Background: Both her parents were assasinated when she was 16, and she's been rulling ever since. Right now she misses them and their wisdom especially, in Q'uinar's darkest hour.

Pets: A Tiger, Theko, who is her eternal friend. The tiger is incredibly kind to Quiani, and is her companion. He is fierce to protect her though, and so she does not need a bodyguard.

Location: Queen's castle in S'dan

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