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You walk up the dock and to the entrance of a large castle. It looks incredibly forboding, and you turn and look behind you. But the ship you came on has already dissapeared. Taking a deep breath, you raise your fist to knock on the large wooden door.
It is pulled open however, before your fist strikes its surface.
You draw back, allarmed.
The lady who opened the door smiles at you. “Hello.” She says.
“Hi.” You stutter.
She gently takes your arm and pulls you inside. “It is a chilly night tonight. You must be freezing. Come, warm yourself by the fire.”
She leads you down a large hallway and into a huge living room. A fire is blazing in the hearth, and she leads you to a chair and sets you down in it.
She takes a seat in another chair and smiles at you again.
“Welcome to Q’uinar.” She says. “My name is Quiani. I am the ruler here. Though...” she trails off.
She lets you rest for a minute, and then stands. “Where would you like to go first?” She askes, motioning to several doors, including the one you just came through. “The library is a wonderful place to research Q’uinar. The Map Room has several maps of this land. The Study holds events and a list of people on Q’uinar. And if you wish to go somewhere elce, let us head outside.”

The Library
The Map Room
The Study

Image is "Castle By The Sea" By: Kelli Caudill
You can visit her page Here

Quiani was drawn by Laura Mir.
Visit her Gallery Here