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Races of Q'uinar

Humans - Self explanitory. Humans live up to 100 years of age, but rarely do so.


Cat-human - These walk upright and are covered with a soft fur. They have a cat-like face and cat’s ears. They are quite strong and mysterious. They make good assasins, theives and dancers.

Dolphin-human - They have the upper body of a human and the lower body of a Dolphin. Quite happy and very kind.

Canine-human - Much like cat halflings, only they are stronger and have a canine’s face and ears. They are good hunters and racers.

Horse-human - Like a centuar. Very fast, but slightly aloof.

Elves - Typical Elves.

Vlvs - Tall humanoid creatures, incredibly poised and stern. The intelectuals of Q'uinar, they want to know everything about everything. They make the best diplomats and healers, mappers and stargazers. They are very scientific, and take nothing on faith. Oddly enough, they fear change. Q'uinar could be far more technology advanced if the Vlvs decited to invent things. But their philosophy is, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
They look like humans, but you can tell them appart instantly by their stern, bland expressions.

Finites - Small humanoids, never standing higher than eight inches. These creatures are little winged humans or elvs with feisty personalities. Their wings are either bird like, dragonic, or butterfly. There was once a very famous Finite by the name of C'tine who was a very powerful mage and assistant to the Queen. One night she dissapeared. None know where she has gone. She left nothing behind, it was if she had never existed. Quiani still rembers the Finite well and misses her terribly. She hopes that one day her friend will return. C'tine is the only Finite in recorded history to have dragonfly wings.

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