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well, Radiant was desperate for submissions, so i thought that i would do a card-by-card analysys of apocalypse. I'm analyzing the cards from a type 2 standpoint, as it is too complex to do it for all types. keep in mind these are only my opinions, and don't hate me if you think that they are wrong. we'll start this week with the black apocalypse cards.

DEAD RINGERS: this is not a good card. most decks run 2 or more colors, making this a dead card most of the time. might be used against skies, but at the mana cost, it will most likely just get countered.

DESOLATION ANGEL: This card, i feel, is too over-rated. inquest named it the most powerful card in the set. i just can't agree. While it's nice to have a 5/4 flyer after you armageddon, it costs 3BBWW to do that and is a dead card until you get that much mana. with the possibility that dark ritual will no longer be in the environment, i just see the potential decreasing.

FOUL PRESENCE: decent card, but probably won't see much constructed play. you have to have a decent-sized creature to put it on, and then null a possible attack by that creature to kill an elf. but it is still re-usable critter-kill.

GRAVE DEFILER: This isn't that bad of a card. worst case scenario, it's a rgenerating chump blocker, best case, it also nets you 2 scutas.

LAST CARESS: It's a glorified zap. 3 mana to do one point just doesn't hold my attention.

MIND EXTRACTION: for 3 mana and a creature scrifice, you get to persecute. oh wait persecute is in 7th. this card sucks.

MOURNFUL ZOMBIE: with all the great cards W/B got, they had to get some crap. here it is.

NECRA DISCIPLE: the mana ability isn't that great,and to pay mana to use the samite healer ability just isn't worth it.

NECRA SANCTUARY: G/W/B has some nice stuff allready. play an armadillo cloak, sterling grove, or duelig grounds with this, and your opponent is taking 3 non-preventable life-loss a turn for only 2B. nice.

NECRAVOLVER: has the potential to be a 3BWG, 5/5 trampler w/ a spirit link. decent, but i think i would rather have a scuta.

PHYREXIAN ARENA: no matter how much wizards hypes it up to be one, this is not the new necro, that was yawgmoth's bargain. this is the new howling mine, and a great card if treated as that.

PHYREXIAN GARGANTUA: If this was a zombie, i could see it getting played, but a vanilla 4/4 for 6 mana, even w/ the 2 cards, just doesn't cut it for me. i would rather play with a grave defiler.


PLANAR DESPAIR: this card is b.s. first of all, it has 2 colored symbols in a domain card. that's awful. plus, why pay 3BB for a wrath of god, when you can pay 2WW for an actual wrath of god.

QUAGMIRE DRUID: this is one of those so-so cards, you see so many of in new sets. not bad, but there's better options.

SUPRESS: this card is funky, but for the moment i think paralax nexus is superior.

URBORG UPRISING: while this is some card advantage, i don't see it getting played much. games go too quick for some one to waste a full turn casting this card.

ZOMBIE BOA: while the ability is decnt, i can't see paying 4B for a 3/3 with it. once again, the scuta would be a better choice.

to be continued in pt.2: blue

If you think any of these opinions are a joke, or have any suggestions(should i tell what the card does, maybe give them some kind of rating), feel free to email me at
til next time,
