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Prophecy Top 10

Here's MY opinion of the top 10 cards from Prophecy

10. Foil - Another free counterspell, following in Thwart's footsteps. Just great in blue.

9. Plague Wind - This card will often win you games if you can play it.

8. Citadel of Pain - This card combos best with the Chimeric Idol. It also combos well with Branded and Veteran Brawlers.

7. Denying Wind - Any of the winds are game-breaking effects, but this one stands out from the rest. 7 cards??? If you're playing against combo, they're in trouble.

6. Rebel Informer - This card looks odd at first, but once you see how it works it's good. At last black has an anti-Rebel card!!

5. Avatar of Woe - Okay, so your chances of playing this for BB are slim, but with Dark Ritual, you shouldn't have a problem.

4. Squirrel Wrangler - Too bad this guy isn't an elf. But still, in any squirrel-based deck, this utility creature will make use of your unused lands by wither pumping up squirrels or creating more.

3. Mageta the Lion - Wrath of God spellshaper that doesn't kill itself? 'Nuff said.

2. Rhystic Tutor - This card is sweet. Demonic Tutor is back, just as long as your opponent taps out. This will be a popular card in almost all MBC/T2 decks.

1. Chimeric Idol - One of the best cards to come around in awhile. Its "drawback" is good in a lot of decks, like the Citadel of Pain deck. It also combos well with the 2 Wells from this set.

Honorable Mention

Celestial Convergence - At last WotC has come out with a new way to win! It works like Legends' Divine Intervention.

Worst Card

Wintermoon Mesa - It comes into play tapped, you have to sacrifice it to use it's ability, and it only taps 2 lands. Plus you have to pay 2 generic mana to play this ability. This card just sucks.
