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Apocalypse the underrated

Well first of all I would like to say hey to all that check this site out, and also to encourage others to visit here.

This is my first article, in which I will be expressing my opinions on the underrated cards in the newest magic expansion, Apocalypse. I want to express first that I am not a pro player and that these are just my opinions, I am sure many people will disagree w/ what I say but that's just how it goes.

1st-wild research: when will people realize that this card is soooo awesome its one of my favorites in the set, an unlimited tutor, and I have found through playtesting that I only lose the card I tutored for once in about every 8 times, which is incredible. I am glad that people are starting to use this card more and more as they realize its potential.

2nd-guided passage: Yes I said it, guided passage. I know you are thinking..what stuff is this guy smoking. I must admit the colors arent very friendly but I have found this card so useful in my domain deck..i guided passage you have to pick my only creature in the deck(which happens to be 2 cromat) I have also seen decks revolving around this card play only really helpful creatures and only awesome instants that are found in r/u such as prophetic bolt,urza's rage, fire/ice etc.

3rd-anavolver: I'm not too sure if everyone in your area realizes its power but people in my area don't. This creature is good even in G/U. My first attempt at a T2 deck w/ apoc was g/u/b control and everyone kept telling me that monger is a million times better than anavolver, but I stood firm and consistently beat them w/ the volver, which shut some of the monger-maniacs up.

4th-symbiotic deployment: Everyone and their mother have built arena decks, c'mon people its time to get creative. This is what I mean by being creative. Yes at first I thought this card was soooooooo useless, as many of you probably do at the moment, but I have recently after talking w/ caine and coming up w/ some great ideas, have changed my mind. This in my opinion is the coolest card in the set.I know many people disagree on this issue. I just recently built a deck using them, and I found that they are great during mid/late game, when you are running low on cards, when used w/ elfhame sanctuary its awesome as well as goblin trenches. This card has been screaming to be broken, but many people just overlook it.

5th the sanctuaries: These are the funnest cards in the set. I must say I only like dega and necra but they all help. Necra/grounds combined w/ sterling groves I think this should be amazing, and dega sanctuary is good even if you only are playing w/b or w/r, 2 life a turn is great!

6th: Illuminate: ah stroke of genius in disguise, well maybe not. This is a good card, could've been much better if the kicker cost was changed a bit, but I like its versatility. I found the kickers to be very useful whether it was to take on multiple targets or to get some card advantage both are nice. Lets say you are in late game. You have a pesky critter beating you to death perhaps a skizzik, you have accumulated a lot of land by this time and u feel that ghitu fire would be a waste on this joker when you really want to take out your opponent w/ it. You can use the kicker to kill the skizzik and the person or draw some cards to top deck some more goodies, either way I think its useful.

My Apoc. Top 10: (this is just a quick list off the top of my head)
1-pernicious deed
3-phyrexian arena
4-spectral lynx
5-death grasp
6-wild research
8- spiritmonger
9-necra sanctuary/dega sanctuary
10-prophetic bolt

Well That's All Folks, hope you got at least a little something out of this article, and if you happen to have any comments on this subject be sure to email me at