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How Wizards Can Put M:tG back on top

Ever since Wizards of the Coast released the Pokemon CCG in 1998, Magic has been kind of, well, overshadowed by Pokemon. At the card shops, you see that the space usually occupied by Magic singles is taken over by holo Charizards and Venusaurs. The Magic Cards are still there, but there are so many Pokemon cards that all the Magic singles are over in a corner by themselves. So, here's MY ideas on how Wizards can put Magic back on top, where it belongs.

Theme Sets

Theme sets are a good idea. You could have a set about politics, with cards such as George W. Bush and Al Gore. That could get the older generation into CCGs. They could make sets about whatever is hot right now, and attract all those kids who are in to whatever the fad is.

Get kids who think CCgs are for geeks into the game

I mentioned theme sets in the above paragraph, and having a MTV set would get lot's of anti-ccg people playing. They could have a N'Sync card and a Backstreet Boys card (like the ones in my picture gallery) for those teeny boppers and then of course a Limp Bizkit card and an Eminem card for everyone else. And you can't forget Carson Daly either.

Spread Magic at Pokemon tourneys and everywhere else

This is something that YOU, a magic player can do. All you have to do is show up at a Pokemon tourney with your notebook full of cards and maybe a few decks to show kids how to play and show 'em the cards. The tricky part is actually daring to go in to a pokemon tournament. If you do this, there will be a few stubborn kids who refuse to even look at the cards, I guarentee you. Just ignore them. Just try and spread the game around.
