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Please note: I know, I know, there's already an expansion called Renaissance. This article is a complete embarrassment to me, but instead of trying to cover it up, I'm going to leave it up here since this site is pretty much a big article. Please be warned that this article is completely stupid so read at your own risk. Thank you -Radiant

Invasion? I have a different idea...

For those of you who don't know, the next set in Magic (the 21st!) will be called Invasion. I don't think it should be called Invasion. I think it should be called Renaissance.

Well, for one, Magic already had it's Ice Age and it's 'Dark' age. But if you ever payed attention in Social Studies, you would know what came after the Dark Ages in Europe. The Renaissance.

Renaissance means rebirth. This new set is kind of like a rebirth of Magic. It's got gold cards and some say, some dual lands will be in it too. Wizards is bringing back some of the coolest things in this game. Admit it, the Elder Dragon Legends were pretty cool. Besides, wouldn't it be really cool to see foil gold cards?

The Renaissance was one of Europe's best times. Great artists like Leonardo DaVinci were producing great works of art, and every thing was going smoothly. Well, after this set releases, Magic may be at an all time high.

But do you know what came before the Renaissance period in Europe? The Dark Ages. The Dark Ages were a time when the plague was just ending (or still going around, I can't actually remember), and things weren't going so well. To me, Urza's Destiny, Mercadian Masques, and Nemisis were some of the dark ages of Magic. Yes, Prophecy was good, I know. It was the beginning of the Renaissance.

Ok, boys and girls, that's all the history lessons for right now. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me an e-mail