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Planeshift Top 10

by Radiant
I couldn't rank these cards, but here's a list:
  • Phyexian Scuta- Juzam Djinn is back! For a measly three life and the help of a Dark Ritual, you can have a second turn Juzam. Enough said. I also like this card because I got a foil one on my first pack! :o)
  • Shivan Wurm- Now Fires is even better! This thing has haste, and it can save your dying Blastoderms.
  • Meddling Mage- anything that can stop key cards is good in my book. My question is, could you bounce the mage and ban more cards?
  • Terminate- a great creature removal card
  • Orim's Chant- This card is very nice. For one mana, your opponent can't play spells that turn. For another, they can't attack. It's almost like a Time Walk.
  • Diabolic Intent- a lot like Demonic Tutor
  • Horned Kavu- With a bird of paradise, this card rocks!
  • Hull Breach- RG Disenchant
  • Doomsday Specter- good card if played early, bad if your opponent's hand is empty
  • (tie)Nemata, Grove Guardian and Sparkcaster- Nemata is good with Saproling Burst, and fires should have plenty of mana to pay for it. Sparkcaster is good because direct damage is always nice.