Phyrexian Processor- Angelic Chorus
Wall of Junk- Angelic Chorus
Serra Avatar-Angelic Chorus
Pariah- Trecharous Link
Sliver Queen- Radiant Archangel - Winged Sliver
Lifeline- Radiant's Dragoons
Lifeline- Avalanche Riders-Multani, Maro Sorceror(Only if you want)---- Destroy all their lands and if you have Multani throw him in at the end and he's huge because your opponent can't play his or her cards.
Opals(Opal Titan,Opal Champion, etc.)- Soul Warden
Fecundity- Lifeline---- Draw mega cards
- Sent in by
Squee + Masticore
Angelic Chorus + Serra Avatar
Sneak Attack + Serra Avatar
Stroke of Genius + Multani
Cho-Manno + Pariah
- Sent in by
lich and mirror universe more or less kills your opponent
wrath of god, tormod's crypt, living death removes your oppons
creatures from the game (must be played in this order)
Any one-black-casting cost 1/1 creature/Dark ritual/Hatred-
a 20/1 on the second turn!
Mogg infestation/Nausea-
no more opposing creatures.
Vampire hounds/Living death-
discard strong stuff to your vampire hounds then living death bring them back, kill opponent.
Stalking tiger/Imposing visage/Destructive urge-
Destroy your opponents land and kill him.
A sure fire way to win in extended is the combo of illusions of granduer and donate. Your opponent loses 20 life and you gain 20 life when it goes. Submitted by:Andy Bowers (Greven)
Attrition/Breeding Pit - You destroy one of his creatures for every three
mana you spend. Add in a second Breeding Pit and a Culling the Weak to pay
upkeep and Attrition's activation cost easily.
Scrying Glass/Blood Oath
Flowstone Hellion/Giant Growth/Fling
Ivory Tower/Library of Leng/Braingeyser
Phyrexian Dreadnaught/Swords to Plowshares
Serra Avatar/SpiritLink/Noble Purpose
Royal Assassin/Icy Manipulator
Imp's Taunt/Cessation
Bounty Hunter/Instill Energy
Breeding Pit/Attrition
Sliver Queen/Ashnod's Alter/Heartstone/Coat of Arms
Iridescent Drake/Ashnod's Alter/Abduction
Wall of Glare/Inviolability
Thieves Auction/Brand
Rising Waters/Ring of Gix/Iron Maiden
Taunting Elf/Inviolability
Taunting Elf/Venom/Yavimaya Hollow
Megrim/Bottomless Pit/Library of Leng
Worship/Crystalline Sliver
Reprocess/Sacred Ground
Ball Lightning/Vodalian Illusionist
Familiar Ground/Goblin War Drums
Hell's Caretaker/Breeding Pit
Squee Goblin Nabob/Seismic Taskmage
Yawgmoth's Bargain/Empyrial Armor/Noble Purpose
Megrim/Mind Slash/Yawgmoth's Bargain
Mindstab Thrull/Dying Wail
Charisma/Stinging Barrier
Drain Power/Fireball
Ivory Tower/Library of Leng
Hatred/Spirit Link/Any Creature
Phyrexian Processor/Noble Purpose
Sleeper Agent/Spirit Link
Academy Rector/Yawgmoth's Bargain
Submitted by:
Venom, Lure, of course. make all your opponents creatures block one of your
attackers, then they all die at end of turn.
wrath of god, lhurgoyf
lurghoyf, saproling cluster, pandimoneum, wrath of god. remove counters off
cluster, use pandimoneum to have them deal damage, then cast the wrath of god
and follow up with a lhurghoyf to make it at least a 7/8.
Submitted by
Sliver Queen / Ashnod's Alter / Heartstone- Get a token for only one mana and sacrafice it for two mana, making two more creatures. Infinity slivers!
-Submitted by Winston T
These are combos I have gotten off other's sites:
Channel + Fireball
Deranged Hermit + Lifeline
Heat Ray + Repercussion
Reprocess + Planar Birth
Attunement + Victimize
Academy Researchers + Zephid's Embrace
Morphling + Heremtic Study
Brand + Gilded Drake
Carrion Beetles + Exhume
Grafted Skullcap + Imaginary Pet
Auratog + Rancor
Sleeper Agent + Wall of Souls
Thran Golem + Rancor OR Brilliant Halo
Humility + Caltrops
Humble + Caltrops
Crumbling Sanctuary + Yawgmoth's Bargain
Cowardice + Elvish Herder
Inviolability + Kjeldoran Royal Guard
Gush + Masticore
Monkey Cage + Vernal Equinox
Scandalmonger + Spiritual Focus
Charisma + Stinging Barrier
Crooked Scales + Wizard Mentor
Thrashing Wumpus + Spirit Link
Diplomatic Escort + Gilded Drake
Rancor + Endless Wurm
any infinite mana engine + Soothsaying
Blood Oath + Sunder
Grim Monolith + Power Artifact
Serra Avatar + Noble Purpose
Greater Good + Weatherseed Treefolk
Repercussion + Masticore
Gaea's Cradle + Goblin Offensive
Soothsaying + Brainstorm OR Impulse
Sneak Attack + Weatherseed Treefolk
Shivan Phoenix + Sneak Attack
Goblin Offensive + Caller of the Hunt
Stinging Barrier and Repercussion
Collective Unconcious + Goblin Offensive
Angelic Chorus + Wall of Junk
Argothian Enchantress + Worship
Karn, Silver Golem + Congregate
Lifeline + Sneak Attack
Voltaic Key + Grim Monolith
Voltaic Key + Phyrexian Colossus
Academy Rector + Path of Peace
Masticore + Squee, Goblin Nabob
Sneak Attack + Serra Avatar
Voltaic Key + Magistrate's Scepter
Lifeline + Radiant's Dragoons
Abomination + Carrion + Phyrexian Broodlings + Victimize
Lifeline + Keldon Champion
Gilded Drake + Capsize
Viashino Cutthroat + Urza's Incubator + Pandemonium
Scoria Wurm + Mark of Fury
Memory Lapse + Booby Trap
Capsize + Ghitu Fireslinger
Hermetic Study + Horseshoe Crab
Pariah + Opal Titan
Academy Rector + Yawgmoth's Bargain
Palinchron + Stroke of Genius + High Tide
Archivist + Mind Over Matter
Soldavi Sentry + Ashnod's Altar
Thorn Elemental + Might of Oaks
Fanning the Flames + Saber Ants
Wall of Glare + Mother of Runes
Deranged Hemit + Revive
Radiant, Archangel + Levitation
Voltaic Key + Grim Monolith
Staunch Defenders + Cloak of Invisibility
Phyrexian Dreadnought + Swords to Plowshares
Cloak of Invisibility + Keldon Champion
Cloak of Invisibility + Bone Shredder
Royal Assassin + Icy Manipulator
Tolarian Academy + Mind Over Matter
Zuran Orb + Balance
Argothian Wurm + Catastrophe
Angelic Chorus + Wall of Junk
Remembrance + Serra Avatar
Humility + Orim's Prayer
Ali from Cairo + Jade Monolith
Phyrexian Colossus + Voltaic Key
Deranged Hermit + Caller of the Hunt
Deranged Hermit + Beast of Burden
Nature's Revolt + Beast of Burden
Enduring Renewal + Phyrexian Walker + Ashnod's Altar + Alabaster Potion
Gaea's Cradle + Natural Affinity
Pattern of Rebirth + Yavimaya Elder (or any other card that you can sacrifice to draw a card)
Pariah + Mother of Runes
Urza's Incubator + Covetous Dragon
Second Chance + Lifeline + Tragic Poet
Bloodshot Cyclops + Might of Oaks
Stroke of Genius + Multani, Maro-Sorcerer
Storm Cauldron + Multani, Maro-Sorcerer
Verdant Force + Elvish Farmer
Yawgmoth's Bargain + Multani, Maro-Sorcerer
Palinchron + High Tide
Cho-Manno, Revolutionary + Pariah
Charisma + Thornwind Faeries
Angelic Chorus + Serra Avatar
Rancor + Ornithopter
Donate + Carnival of Souls
Thieves' Auction + Brand
Cornered Market + Arrest
Squee, Goblin Nabob + Seismic Mage (or any other spellshaper)
Charisma + Warmonger
Delraich + Sengir Autocrat
Collective Unconscious + Spontaneaous Generation
Pariah + Fog Bank
Academy Rector + Archery Training
Masticore + Replenish
Hunting Moa + Phyrexian Reclamation
Hatred + Bloodshot Cyclops
Donate + Illusions of Grandeur
Thoughtlace + Red Elemental Blast
Power Surge + Manabarbs
Noetic Scales + Ravenous Rats
Glided Drake + Tradewind Rider
Cursed Scroll + Stormblind
Armageddon + Ernham Djinn
Black Vise + Howling Mine + Stormbind
Goblin Warrens + Goblin Grenade
Necropotence + Knights of Stromgald
Crusade + Savannah Lion
City of Brass + Mirror Universe
Kird Ape + Giant Growth
Chain Lightening + Lightning Bolt + Incinerate
Balance + Jade Statue
Millstone + Wrath of God
Disrupting Scepter + Serra Angel + Counterspell
Mana Drain + Mahamoti Djinn
The Abyss + Juggernaut
Animate Dead + Scaled Wurm
Serendib Efreet + Spirit Link
Black Lotus + Moxes
Tinder Wall + Orgg
Jokulhaups + Ivory Charm
Thought Lash + Soldevi Digger
Nether Void + Ice Storm
Corpse Dance + Daring Apprentice
Thran Turbine + Well of Knowledge
Heavy Ballista + Wizard Mentor
Spirit En Kor + Wall of Essence
Phyrexian Dreadnought + Diamond Valley
Eladimar's Valley + Gorilla Cheiftain
Phyrexian Dreadnaught/Pandamonium/Fling- CAN YOU SAY 24 DAMAGE?!?? ....sure you can
Spike Soldier/Elven Rite/Fling
you attack and remove all the counters if unblocked to deal 10 damage, then fling the bastard for 10 more
Prodigal sorceror/Curiosity/Mind Over MatterSubmitted by Dave Moon-Cast the Tim and the curiosity on him, then next turn, cast the mind over matter to kill anyone in your path.
Land Tax/Seismic Assault-
To better use your assault you need to draw lots of land, Land Tax alows you to do 6 damage each turn while clearing out your deck so you may draw better cards.
Corpse Dance/Bottle Gnomes
5 mana for 3 life... not too shabby
Death Pits of Rath/AEther Flash-
Stops a creature damage deck dead in it's tracks. I've used this combo before and it is really fun to watch people just discard creatures because they can't even bring them into play. Good for watching people cry.
Rust/Nevinyrral's Disk-
Counter the disk from destroying your hard earned offense and defense. Rust is a good card.
KILLED Unstable Mutation/Unsummon-
before WIZARDS changed the rules of magic you used to be able to put +3/+3 counters on your creature, then unsummon it and then cast it again with the +3/+3 counter still on it. Huge fun.
Brass Man/Fire Whip-
This one is great, a friend of mine used to use it all the time. Not many people use COP: Artifacts anyways, so you can wreck someone up. just tap 1 to untap Brass Man and tap him to use fire whip for 1 damage, keep tapping mana to deal damage. it's great.
Spirit Link/ Hatred/ Fear-
Great to kill instantly and gain back all your life you spent. a little hard to pull off, but nice.
Sacred Mesa/Earth Craft/Wild Growth-
first you put wild growth on a plains and tap it to get a mesa
-then you activate the echantment earthraft and tap the mesa you put out to untap the land with wild growth on it (Earthraft = tap a creature to untap land)
-then you tap the wild growth to lay another mesa out
-then activate earthraft and tap the other mesa yo untap the wild growth land
-so on so on
Memory Crystal (x2), Ashnod's Altar, Initiates of the oben hand, and LAB RATS.-
Some opponents might give you a tough time because the will die after this combo, and it might fizzle depending on when they interpret the death of the Initiates.
-You cast a lab rat and buy back for 4-2-2=0, then you sac it for two mana, then you funnel them through the intiates, then you cast lab rats twice, then you sac them both, then you funnel through the initiates... Infinite Lab Rats, which can be ascrificed for infinite mana!
-If you have a Soul Warden out, it's infinite life too.
-If you have sadistic glee on a creature, it's infinitely powerful.
-You can build up mana by saccing your rats, and pumping it into a nasty X-spell.
-And if you should have a coat of arms in play, watch your opponent cower in fear as your army of lab rats becomes an army of Plague Rats. Lets see him try to reverse damage or COP out of THAT one. :)
Coat of arms/Mogg infestation- ten 10/10s
Serra Avatar/Angelic chorus/Erratic portal-
More life than you know what to do with and way too powerful of a creature.
Charisma and Thrashing Wumpass- submitted by
Serras Blessing+Castle=all your creatures get +0, +2- Submitted by Grant Colli
Thorn Elemental/Giant Growth/Berserk- submitted by Sally Foucher
enduring renewal, orinthopter, goblin bombardment- submitted by
congregate,natural afinity
yawgort's bargain-blessed wind
avatar of woe-exhume,br>
Submitted by
Goblin Bombardmant/Enduring Renewal/zero mana artifact i.e Shield
Sphere=Insantaneous Death. Add necro to smooth out the combo and
acceleration to speed it up and you're looking at a powerhouse in extended- submitted by:
Copper-Leaf Angel (Prophecy) - Planar Birth (Urza´s Saga)?
Drop the Angel and let it become a time-bomb (don´t mind the lands, Planar
will return them to GAME!! -tapped, though- :) ) 15/15 flyer? Sounds good to
me.- submitted by Pablo M. Pecorelli
The two cards needed for this combo are Squallmonger and Spirit Link.Squallmonger is a 3/3 creature with an ability to deal 1 damage to each creature with flying and each player.Spirit Link is an enchant creature that reads:whenever enchanted creature deals damage,gain that much life.So you put the Spirit Link on Squallmonger,and use its special ability.You and your oppenent will lose 1 life,but you will gain 2 life because of Spirit Link.This combo can destroy in multiplayer games. - Submitted by Steven Nightengale
Seer's Vision/Void
Kavu Lair/Viashino Stalker
Fact or Fiction/Replenish
Dueling Grounds/Two Headed Dragon
Well of Life/ Chimeric Idol- Tap all lands, attack with the Idol, and then get the benefits! You can use any of the Prophecy Well cards for this combo
Any Big Creature/Sigil of Sleep/Air Bladder- Submitted by:
Use the Enchantment Levitation to enchant there creatures with flying
(Uzras Legacy) then play
Whirl Wind (destroy all creatures with flying)-(Uzras Saga)- Submitted by Chris Sudlow(
If you have quite abit of mana avalible to you and already cast Llanowar Elves :
Start with a Blood Lust (1R mana) then another one, now your Elves are (9,1) then two Giant Growths (G mana), Elves are now (15,7) Then use Berserk (G mana), then Fork (RR mana) your Berserk now your Elf is 60,7 with trample.
Total mana cost = 9 (2 Colourless, 4 Red, 3 Green)
You dont have to go too mad aswell, just use a few pumping creature abilities with Beserk and Fork- Submitted by: Sion o'Conner (
Thran Turbine/ Millstone- submitted by
If you have a combo you would like to share with me and the rest of the world, send it to me @