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Grim Waters

by Kyle

4 Grim Monolith
4 Phyrexian Colosus
4 Sky Dimond
4 Thran Dynamo
4 Voltaic Key

4 Delusions of Mediocrity
4 Morphling
4 Rising Waters
4 Tinker

4 Crystal Vein
16 Island
4 Rishadan Port

4 Annul
4 Chill
4 Counterspell
3 Masticore

The plan is to play your artifacts which produce mana so the Rising Waters won't hurt you and then beat on your opponent with Mophlings and Colosuses. This deck can get Colosuses very early with Tinker and Morphling can be played easily with the help of the artifacts. Meanwhile your opponent will struggle as he tries to play off of a single land per turn.
The sideboard has Annul which helps against Sneak Attack and Bargain, Chill against red sligh or burn. It has counterspells against Blaze combo decks or decks with pulverize in it and the Masticore of corse are for weenies.