Rebel Assault
From InQuest #57 January 2000, page 74
Color: Mono White
3 Ballista Squad
1 Jhovall Queen
4 Mother of Runes
3 Nightwind Glider
4 Ramosian Captain
4 Ramosian Lieutenant
1 Ramisian Sky-Marshall
2 Rappelling Scouts
3 Steadfast Guards
3 Thermal Glider
White Spells:
2 Arrest
4 Cho-Manno's Blessing
2 Disenchant
1 Reverant Mantra
23 Plains
This deck is based around protecting yourself with the Mother of Runes. Remember, rebels are warriors, so treat them like warriors. Load 'em up with protection from colors and beat your opponent down before he/she can build up a defense.
Submitted by:Radiant