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This tournament took place awhile ago, so I can't remember my decklist exactly. It was type 1 and I decided to play sligh/burn/whatever you want to call it. It had the usual stuff (Cursed Scroll, Ball Lightning, Shock, Bolt, Incinerate, Mogg FANTASTIC, etc.) and had been playtesting pretty well. Tournament was held at Aamzing Fantasy Comics in Littleton, Colorado. There were about 20 people in attendance. So here we go.

ROUND 1: Chris Patterson - sligh (damn, mirror match already)

1) burn vs. burn, it just mattered who drew the best stuff. Unfortunately he did.

2) same as before


ROUND 2: ??? - Three-Deuce

1) I get a great hand, and burn him pretty quickly. Ball Lightnings hurt him badly.

2) He bolts my Ball Lightings and gets through with Skyshroud Elites.

3) Very close game, but I edge him out with a finishing bolt.


ROUND 3: ??? - Weird green elf deck

1) Coat of Arms is pretty damn annoying, but my burn still kills all his elves. he gets some stupid elf out and wins. bah.

2) pretty much same as before. at one point his taunting elf really pissed me off.


ROUND 4: Eric Kirkman - burn (mirror again... )

1) he is playing with Jackel Pups, and those are key in my victory.

2) he sides out Pups (who wouldnt) but i still beat him down as he is stuck at 3 lands the entire game.


ROUND 5: Mary Van Tyne - burn (ok now this is just stupid)

1) she is mana-screwed and i Ride The Lightning (by that meaning ball lightning), if you will (metallica rules!!!).

2) same as before, but i got jealous when she played a mox ruby (i wish i had moxes....)


did i make top 8.... schweet! i make it 7th place, so i get paired up with my first-round matchup Chris Patterson.

QUARTERFINALS: Chris Patterson - burn (4th time today!!)

1) very tight battle, but i pull through and win with multiple Fireblasts.

2) this time he pulls through with multiple fireblasts and Bolts.

3) he is at 8 and i am 4. he plays ball lightning, but just when i think i'm dead i realize i can win! he announces an attack and i responded by SACCING MY FOUR MOUNTAINS FOR DOUBLE FIREBLAST!!! he cannot believe what just happened, and neither can i really. lady luck was with me that round.

on to semis....

SEMIFINALS: Chris Hollick: The Field

1) i know i dont have much chance here, but i try anyway. despite a dozen burn spells, he manages to get his annoying little Monolith + power Artifact engine going. he asks me to pick a number. i say 5 he says how about 5,000 and flashes me the Stroke in his hand.

2) same as before.

so i make T4, which isnt bad for type 1. i am pleased with the result. i get a few packs and get crap. but it was fun. until then, everyone build yourself a sligh deck.

~Proscrypt (