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Well, one day my friends and I sat down to have a small tournament. It was type 2, and we were playing draft style. Tournament consisted of me (Nether-Go), Nick (Fires), Bon (U/W Control), and Steve (Snuff-o-Derm). Here is the deck I played:
9 Island
6 Swamp
4 Underground River
4 Salt Marsh
4 Nether Spirit
2 Thrashing Wumpus
4 Snuff Out
4 Counterspell
3 Fact or Fiction
3 Exclude
4 Probe
2 Misdirection
4 Recoil
3 Lobotomy
4 Undermine

We opted not to use sideboards. It turns out that I play Steve first.

Game 1: He jumps at me with a couple of Jade Leeches and Quirion Elves, but his Snuff Outs are at bay with my all-black arsenal. He gets me low on life, until I draw a couple of Snuff Outs and Thrashing Wumpus. I ride Wumpus and Spirit to victory.
Game 2: I get mana screwed, as I stayed with 2 Lobotomies in my hand. He gets Leeches and 'derms out and beats me.
Game 3: Pretty much the same as game 1. The Snuff Outs really hurt him, and Nether Spirit brings home the win.

Next up is Nick, playing Fires.

Game 1: His deck is really strong. He gets a ton of acceleration, and gets out Fires of Yavimaya and Saproling Burst for the victory. I didn't see 1 creature.
Game 2: I get a great hand, and he is severely screwed when I Lobotomy his Fires (sorry Nick!). He doesn't draw too much fat, and then he eventually did what every Misdirection-user dreams of: cast a 10-point Urza's Rage on me, only to have me Misdirect it back to him. I win.
Game 3: I get a quick start and Lobotomy his Saproling Burst. I drew 3 Undermines in the game, which probably helped me out in the victory. Wumpus brings it and I win.

And finally I play Bon, who is playing U/W Control.

Game 1: I knew I had a great chance coming into this, because Nether-Go beats U/W Control. There must have been 6 Fact or Fictions cast in this game, it was card-drawing madness, and when i Excluded his Jewelled Spirit, he scooped.

Game 2: On turn 3 I try playing a Nether Spirit because I dont have anything else to do, and he counters it. Nice move, Bon. Next turn, I Lobotomy him. He has a 6-card hand and no counter? I take his kill card (the Jeweled Spirit) and win.

Game 3: He tries to Fact or Fiction 3 times, each time I counter it. Undermines really hurt him, and Nether Spirit and Thrashing Wumpus bring it. I win.

Sweet I win, here are the final standings:
Me: 6-2
Nick: 4-4
Steve: 3-5
Bon: 1-7 (bad day, huh bon)


Me for winning
My deck for cooperating
my friends for being cool
Me for misdirecting a 10-point Urza's Rage


Steve, for losing a game to Bon (how could you???)
Nick for casting a 10-point Urza's Rage, and having me misdirect it.

Well all-in-all it was fun. cya!
