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When Proscrypt sent in his report from a personal tourney, it reminded me of a tournament I had with my friends from a few weeks back. I don't remember the exact results fo everybody, but I can remember enough to write it up.
I was playing my usual G/W Stompy deck (click here to see the list). Ben was playing some weirdo blue deck, Hailey was playing this green deck that was pretty bad, Tyler was playing Red/White gain life/deal damage, Chris was new to the game so he was playing a deck that was made up of everyone's extras, and my brother Bob, was playing G/B Stompy Control (weird huh). So as you can see, there were some strange decks being played here.

First Game: Hailey
Her creatures are no match for mine. I win.
Second game, I am mana screwed, she wins
Third game I win. Radiant, Archangel comes through for me.
Second Game: Tyler
Tyler's walls block lot's of damage, and a 5-point Blaze makes me mad, but I come through to win.
2nd game was just like the first.
Third Match: Ben
My Wall of Junk let's hardly any damage through. I win.
Ben forfeits because he said he got bored. Alright.
The Final Match is between me and my brother, Bobby
Everyone expected me to win, as I was playing with a 6-1 record and Bob was like 5-2 or something like that. First game is close but I lose thanks to confiscates and Zephid's embraces. Pooh.
Second game I win because of Rofellos. This is it...
The final showdown.I play mercy in the neginning, but he's at 10 and I'm at 20. Somehow he managed to kill all my creatures, and I was a in a bit of mana trouble, I didn't have a lot. He wins, with 3 life left, only because I played mercy on him in the neginning. Losing sucks.

I finish up 7-3, not bad. It was really fun though!
1st- Bobby 2nd- Me 3rd- Ben 4th- Hailey 5th-Tyler 6th- Chris