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Moon Phase: optional- New to full
Day: Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday
Planet: Sun, Mercury, Venus
Supplies: A piece of white paper; a small, empty matchbox; grated orange peel; a few grains of rise; cinnamon; a small bowl.

In a sacred space, write on the paper the job you are searching for. Fold the paper as small as you can. Hold the paper in your hand and ask your guardian angel/astral familiar/dragon to help you get the job you are looking for. Put the paper in the matchbox. Mix the orange peel, rice and cinnamon in the bowl. Hold your hands over the bowl and say:
"Element of Earth, fruits of your bounty,
please bring the job I desire."
Add the contents of the bowl to the matchbox. Close the matchbox and hold the box in your hands. Close your eyes and say:
"Sun and stars, moon and comment,
bring my the best employemnt."
Repeat as often as you can, visualizing yourself happy in the new job. Take the matchbox outside and place in the sunlight for an hour. Ask the sun to empower you job box with success. Carry the box with you until you recieve the job you want. After your first day on the job, de-magic the box. Burn the paper. Scatter the herbs to the winds. Keep the box.

Book of Shadows