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Yeah… TRL MIGHT Not Be Live… wayda piss me off

The TRL Conspiracy: (MAJOR) Travesty #09

August 2000

Is the blasted thing NOT live?

The “Articles”: How it all got started

From Backstreet Millennium: The TRL Conspiracy (read the entry from

From This article (no longer available) was about local San Diego college students who interned at MTV SoCal. It talked about them meeting the VJs, what they had to work on, and the taping of the shows. Yeah, the TAPING. And then in parenthesis: (No, Total Request Live is not live.) Just like that.

Know of any other “articles”? let me know, please!

The Comments: What do YOU think?

From TC
My theory on the conspiracy:
MTV is filming non-live episodes because of the whole SoCal summer thing. They go back and forth so much, that they tape some episodes in advance.

This means three things...
1. They will forget when things retire because taping is screwed up.
2. When people vote, who knows what the hell episode it's for.
3. It's not freaking live! Just like that Movie Awards episode. That was so fake.

Hopefully, things will change in September. The entire SoCal Summer crapfest will be over. (And all will be good if MTV doesn't choose a crappy green look with 3D cubes like last Fall.)

From MTV's TRL 2000 Webmaster:
I'm not sure, but I don't think that when they did TRL today, they did not say anything about yesterday's video, like it dropped two spots or went to #1 after being at #2 yesterday. I don't think Carson said anything like that, so if he didn't it may mean it isn't live. I didn't hear it, unless I wasn't paying much attention.
From Viper52778
I was watching TRL on Tuesday 8/8. Carson opens the show by saying it is Thursday. Right away he corrects himself and says it is "all the San Diego beer is gettin to me." I think that Tuesday's TRL was taped last Thursday and dumb Carson forgot.
From Andrew
I recently read the little article that claim TRL isn't Live, and I realized why they think this. As you know TRL shows live on the east coast and then airs three hours later on the west coast. In order for it to show live on the east coast, it wasn't be filmed at 12 at San Diego. Then when it airs at 3 on the west coast it gives the idea that its not live! So really it is live, but not for the west coast.
From MTV's TRL 2000 Webmaster
Ryan from Extreme TRL told me about this, he saw that the words previously recorded in sections of the show. He was right. This is what happened on Tuesdays' show. You should take a look for yourself (if you have the tape).

I looked back on my tape on Wednesday's TRL (Aug 8th) in SoCal. After the part of Who Am I? question for the #9 video(before the commercials), there were the words previously recorded. And, on Tuesday's show, in the beginning, he said Thursday by mistake when it was Tuesday, and then he corrected himself by saying it was Tuesday...

From Michael:

While watching TRL today [Aug 11], I noticed another thing that proves TRL is taped. During Christina's video a girl came on and requested it. During her request, Carson came behind her and waved to the camera. If you look quickly you'll notice that he is wearing a completely different outfit than the one he is doing the show in. Also, on Thursday's show his hair was died blue on the top and it wasn't today. I don't think you can wash that stuff out after one day.

From Dennis:

And either Carson is a scrub or TRL is not live, cause for two days in a row he wore those same exact pants, I noticed it, and I was like nasty!

From Unofficial TRL:

I totally agree on the TRL conspriacy thing. I have a prediction here: Since *NSYNC's video will get retired soon (today is their 59 days), I predict that Carson will announce the Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC's 61 days on next Tuesday. So that there will be another "first time ever" on TRL.

From Saran:

Have you noticed how Eminem's position on the countdown have been quite different when TRL is in New York than when it's in So-Cal. In So-Cal it was battling for the #1 spot but in New York it's only been at around #5. It seems to me like the regular votes were unaccounted for and MTV just decided where it should land because it wasn't live in So-Cal and votes were all screwed. I didn't think votes could differ so much in 3 days for an artist like Eminem who usually is fairly stable on the countdown. Just something else I thought I'd throw into the conspiracy flame.

From Dennis:

Also maybe TRL is live, when it wants to be, I'm really thinking that, like in SO Cal it may not be, but in NY it has to be. They captured the day perfectly [Aug 18], I'm from NY and it was a shitty day out today, so maybe it is live when it wants to be!

My “Conclusion”

I tend to agree with TC up there. If TRL’s SoCal episodes are being taped, then it could very explain how they’re getting so messed up counting the 65 days of retirement. And if they’re caught up in going back and forth, who knows when the episodes in New York are taped?

I understand that I personally NEVER get to see TRL live, but that’s because I live on the west coast, and it’s only live for the east coast. However, even if TRL was aiming to have the show aired live on the east coast, they should be taping around 12:00 Noon in SoCal. BUT, the people who went down there reported that there was NO taping going on whatsoever. But maybe they showed up at 3 Pacific Time or something.

Honestly, I don’t know, but it sure as hell seems like TRL isn’t live. And, of course, that pisses me off to no end. It brings up numerous questions on when and how votes are counted. It adds significantly to the “travesties.” It denies the credibility of the show altogether. It shows the unfortunate corporate side of MTV even more.

Because I’ve been agreeing with TC, I’m going to join him on his hope that this will all go away when they get rid of SoCal.

[I’m PISSED!] [Back to TRL] [To the Travesties]