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Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely

The "Deep Little Video"

A Review

From the Most Qualified Critic*

Yeah if you keep using titles like that, I’ll show you, don’t worry.

Oh, what a deep little video. However, I’m not about to comment on its depth and the way it supposedly searches so well into the emotion of loneliness and all that it entails. I’m just here to comment on a piece of entertainment (cause that is what it really is, a video), set out before us for judgment.

First appearances:
Low color, almost black and white visual sob story that perfectly embodies loneliness.

Oh, Poor Brian!

Poor Brian has to watch himself in the hospital, lonely, and ill with some sort of ailment. It obviously refers to his heart surgery. At first glance, I’m just noticing how extremely hot he looks in this black and white colors. His head is just as angular as ever.

Don’t cry!

Poor A.J. boards a bus, in the midst of his loneliness, and is startled to see a girl he thinks he recognizes. However, looking back at her, she… oh no!… fades away. He’s on the bus alone, and you can see tears falling falling falling (can you believe they made it that obvious?!). I’m not into his whole fashion statement here. The shirt is too skimpy, but he is VERY appealing to the eye (like the way I put that? hehe).

Looks good

Poor Kevin actually gets some air time in this video, at pretty early on too! That’s the first good sign! He’s too big for his chair, notice that? He’s sitting hot as ever watching films of his father, who, we get the impression, is gone. Oh man can this guy look good.

Lonely Nick

Poor Nick makes his debut late in the video, as he joins Kevin for a solo… I’m wondering exactly what’s going on with this hat he’s got on. He’s walking on smoke-filled streets looking lonely. Then HE, Nick, does the best thing in the video: the eyebrow raise. His gestures and emotion look so real. He’s good. Really good.


Poor Howie really gets shafted in this video, but, hey, who can blame the wise one that made that decision? He does get to sing the best lines… so it all balances out. The emotion of loneliness he shows is extremely excessive. Looks fake. Howie’s refers to the loss of his sister, which really is a major issue that shouldn’t be messed with.

Little things that make me smile:
- Nick’s eyebrow raise
- Brian’s awesomeness
- Kevin and Nick’s perfect duet
- A.J. gets off the bus, and makes heroic gestures using his hat.
- HOTTEST PART: Kevin’s nod to Howie as if saying, "I understand, come with me" (Not trying to be corny in the least)
They all come together in the end.

- Nick bends his head back far, screaming “being lonely”
- All in all, their emotion. Anyone can make fun of it, but it really is good.

And, in conclusion:
A very well done video, you know, except for those little excessive parts and what not. Kevin was right, no matter how stupid he sounded, pointing out the obvious, it is a “deep little video.” However, he shouldn’t have to point it out and I think it’s a serious mistake to take it, a piece of entertainment, so seriously. And as for the Boys, with me they would never have to be shown the meaning of being lonely!!! (Sound familiar?) Well, never say never, there is of course a member named Howie.

*Of course you know that I’m just a fan, not claiming myself to be any kind of wonderful critic. Just a fan. It’s an awesome video.

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