<center><img src="http://www.geocities.com/aznaphrodite/moon/neherenia.gif"></Center>

<body bgcolor="black">

 <font color=blue>Sailor Polaris: Hello and welcome to my part of the club! I am Sailor Polaris a brand new Sailor Scout!</center>

<center><font color=blue>Sailor Polaris: I am still young but powerful. I like Rini and the other outter scouts come from the future!</center>
 <center><font color=blue>Sailor Polaris: Because my site is still in the making so Sailor Chibi-Moon will help me.</center>

 <center><font color=red>Sailor Chibi-Moon: Hello!</center>

 <center><font color=blue>Sailor Polaris: <smile> Well alittle about me... I am 8 years old and come from the north star. I have black hair and kinda look like Rini. My favorite food is chicken and my least favorite food is veggies. My favorite subject is PE and my least favorite subject is math. Well thats all for now I hope you enjoy my sight so far!</center>

<center><img src="http://www.crosswinds.net/~sailorjupiter/Gallery/Misc/5.jpg"></center>

<center>Sailor Polaris:These are some of the scouts, Moon, Mercury,Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Uranis, and Neptune, and Tuckedo Mask.</center>

<center><img src="http://www.crosswinds.net/~sailorjupiter/Gallery/Misc/119.jpg"></center>

<center>Sailor Polaris: This is Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi-Moon two of my best friends!</center>