Welcome. Here you will find links to the hottest tools around. Most of them are web-based, although a few require downloading. Best of all, none of them will cost you anything! And all are tried out and recommended by me personally.
The Button Maker
This thing is really cool. It will even buttonize animated gifs.
Pretty cool place, does a nice job of resizing images.
Logo Generator
Decent place with a nice simple format. Good for people who are unfamiliar with this sort of thing
Image Mechanic
There are any number of interesting things you can do with this one
Flaming Text
This place is just too awesome. I used it to create the logo on this page. If you don't use anything else here you should use this.
3D Text Maker
Another nice simple format. Very useful for making animated logos.
Gif Split
Excellent place. You can use this to create false image maps or split a tile down to button size. Highly recommended.
The Mighty Mouseover Machine
Very advanced but great for creating easy mouseover effects for those like myself who are good with html but aren't the best at javascripts.