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That Damned Blue Collar Primus Page

Ok all you bastards out there, pay attention 'cause here it is and here's the deal...

Verily I say unto thee, Lester Claypool is the god of bass and the one true way to heaven is to anoint thine ears with the holy sounds of cheese!..Do I hear an amen children??..

Les Claypool Dot Com

Now brethren, turn if you would to the first page of your hymnals and sing along with me...

I was just a little pup and it was derby days,

Was Dad and me and Darrel out in San Pablo bay.

Taco flavored Doritos and my orange life vest,

Dad caught a hundred pound sturgeon on twenty pound test.

Now he fought that fish for about an hour and a half,

Darryl say "Jump ye sons a bitch!" and he grabbed for the gaf.

When we got him in the boat he measured six foot long

I was so dang impressed I had to write a song

Fish On!


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