Down through the days, and | |
dawns, and depths of time | came They, the race of Man. | Fighting, struggling, striving | up out of the Primordial Ooze. | Grasping blindly at what they | think of as their pinnacle. | Futile. Harboring always in | their deepest of instincts, that | longing to return. To go back |
to the slime from whence | ||||||||
they'd come. To cease this | ||||||||
senseless effort. To rest the | ||||||||
weary bones in the soul of
their oh so tired race. Old are
they now, and like a star the
spark of life within them ebbs.
Remembered now by none at
all lies the epic past, when on
one lonely world their race
was born. No fan fare there,
the battle had begun. The Evil
Enemy Entropy wreaking | |
havoc out amongst them. | |
All their great works it is | |
destined to destroy, never will | |
they themselves last long | |
enough to see what comes | |
after their own additions to | |
the Cause and Effect. Man's | |
numbers now are few, small | |
bands of wandering nomads, | |
lost and alone, near to |
soulless in the blacks of time | |
and space. Brigands, pirates, | |
cut-throats, thieves. All these | |
wandering trades. Bards and | |
minstrels, acrobats, players. | |
These and more. "Where are | |
the great minds?" ask you? | |
"They're gone." says I, "they | |
are no more". Long past has | |
ended that cycle in this tired, | |
wretched race. |