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"Exploit!" they whimper in
their nightmares of twisted
instinct. To use and throw
away. Stone cold heartless
and uncaring, these putrid
fools. No remorse for who or
what they hurt. Be it each
other or themselves. Never
willing to admit how self
destructive this behaviour is.
Altogether destroying those

philosophers, thinkers and
teachers who would learn
from past mistakes. From
their ancient saviour whose
name remains only in the
annals of the curses for which
these miscreants of forever
are so famous. Always and
forever have they
continuously thrown down and
tread upon those few genetic

freaks who would dare to
insult their own race by trying
to care enough to help
someone besides themselves.
Salting the ground on which
these thoughts were born
anew.Yet, sickeningly,
keeping alive in lore and
legend the deeds of the
monstrous anti-heroes to the
race. But hear me! Do not pity

these ancient accursed relics
from the bitter beginnings of
that which ever was. For
always have they done it to

The End??

You tell Me..

Back To Page Two Sir Danimals Weirdness

(all of these beautiful paintings are by Boris Vallejo )

Story by Sir Danimal