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Hello, Nameless Twit ! YOU STUPID JERK!

These links are in no particular order, but they are definitely all cool sites... Enjoy!...

Repo Man
One of my favorite movies

  • Internet Movie Database
  • Alex Cox's Repo Page

  • Deathlands
    A great series of books (and yes I get them in the mail every month)

    Worlds of Wonder
    Some awesome artwork

    Phantom's Midi Hideout
    Midis Galore

    Scare yourself

  • Nostradamus and the catholic church
  • A Hitchiker's Guide to Nostradamus!

  • Clint Eastwood
    Go ahead, make my day

    Kubrick on the Web
    Director Stanley Kubrick

    The Character Shop
    Awesome FX

    Science Friday
    My favorite program on NPR

    Hunt the Wumpus
    A really cool game

    Cliff's Chaos Machine
    Build yours today

    Fractals, fractals, fractals...
    Clifford A. Pickover's really intense page

    The writing on the wall

    Body Modification
    Have you hugged your peircing today???

    I.Q. Test
    We dare you!

    The Galileo Project
    Learn Something.

    The Craziest Sites On the Planet!
    They're pretty crazy

    Whatever you do, if you value your sanity at all DO NOT!, I repeat, DO NOT click here...If you should choose not to listen to me and you go right on ahead and click here, thinking you know what you're doing I will not be held responsible for this foolishness...Anything that happens to you will be your own fault...Do you understand?...I will not even feel sorry for you...

    The Aliens Ring
    Aliens, aliens, aliens...Oh, and some aliens too...

    G. Gordon Liddy
    A real American

    The Internet Classics Archive
    Sit back and enjoy a good book

    The Bog of Eternal Stench
    Smell it NOW!

    Cartoon Network!
    The greatest achievment of modern civilization

    City of the Silent
    Postcards from the Grave

    The Moon Shop
    Ta hell wit da Brooklyn Bridge, a peice o' da MOON fer under Twen'y Bucks I tell ya!

    The Ultimate Taxi
    Indescribably Weird...I laughed, I cried, I wet my pants...

    Rotten Dot Com
    The soft white underbelly of the net,
    eviscerated for all to see!

    Just don't puke on yourself

    Computer Art
    Definitely tripped out stuff
  • Zero Art

  • Rodney Dangerfield
    No Respect

    The National Midget Resistance
    Totally Hilarious, even to someone as short as I am

    What I saw on Lady Liberty
    I never knew this

    The Yuckiest Site on the Internet

    Online Surveys
    C'mon...Be a help to science
  • Alien abduction survey
  • Bathroom habits study (yes I'm serious)
  • Survey for witches??
  • Legalize Marijuana!
  • Fresh Pork

  • The Amazing RUBBERBAND ball!!!
    What the???

    America On Hold
    Aint that the truth

    Bambi Killers Page
    Ready, aim, FIRE!

    Bell Labs Text-to-speech synthesis
    You type it, this thing says it..And I mean anything

    Marshmallow Bunnies Survival Testing
    Talk about scientifically important

    The Dark Side of Scooby-Doo
    Scooby Dooby DIIIIEEEEEE!

    The BUTT Page
    Hey, what can I say?

    The Fart Line
    Check out the "squeek of the week"

    I got my very own phosphorescent Elvis!

    VRML Cow Tipping
    Try spinning one on it's head

    Buttons Galore
    Just what it says..heh heh heh...

    Museum of Menstruation
    I heard this guy on Howard Stern..He is almost too weird even for me, and he works for the Pentagon..HUH?!?..Now that is weird..LOL...

    Crap Pictures
    They look like something My mother would take..

    Squirrel Hazing!

    The Death Clock
    How much time do you have left?

    Automatic Complaint Letter Generator
    Bitch, bitch, bitch

    Wiltshire Weirdness Gallery
    Crop Circles and such

    Is it, or isn't it?

    The Gallery of the Absurd
    You've got to be kidding!

    The Infamous Exploding WHALE!!!
    Damn this is cool!

    Gotta love that airline "food", huh?

    Will Hertes Letters
    He oughta win a pulitzer for this...

    Bible Gum
    Gum for thought..

    The Dialectizer
    View even this weird web site in your native tongue.. It even speaks redneck!

    The Pants Appreciation Society
    See if you can "appreciate" this page

    Do You Like 2 Hump Camels?
    Well, now that you mention it yes,
    but I keep falling off the ladder...

    Go for the gold that lies in
    the back teeth of the rich and feeble.

    Jim Rose Circus Sideshow
    See some self mutilation!

    Some of them want to abuse you,
    Some of them want to be abused.

    Piercing Mildred
    Tattoos, scarification, and body peircing;
    All wrapped up in one cool game!

    Naked News
    The news with 'nothing' to hide
    (OVER 18 ONLY)

    Oh those wacky Canadians

    Bizarre Stuff You Can Make In Your Kitchen
    A glowing pickle??

    Who would buy this crap?

    Strange Foreign Objects In Dog Feces
    Have you seen my keys?

    Miss Charming's
    Drink up!

    All for suicide
    Instruments for the novice suicide

    Army Men Porn
    And to think, we just melted ours..