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T h e W e i r d n e s s
P o s t O f f i c e !

This is the place to write or pick up a free Digital Postcard . Never heard of our Digital Postcards ?
Well, you can send a letter to your mom or hit on a girl (or guy) that you like..
Heck, you can even suck up to your boss if you like!

How can I write or read my Digital Postcards?

When writing a postcard, you will be able to customize its layout by choosing
optional pictures and sounds. After submission of that form a postcard preview
will be displayed and you can change the settings in case you don't like your card.

The recipients will be notified about their postcard by a simple email message.
They will also be informed about its location on our server. We will provide them
with a unique claim check number that all recipients need to enter to request their postcards.

Send A Card Receive A Card
Write *~*~* Pickup

Sir Danimals Weirdness Send Me Some Mail!

Peek In The Weirdbook Scribble In The Weirdbook

Have fun, play nice

The graphics on this page were found at