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Preventing Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged blue veins commonly found on the surface of the legs. To help prevent varicose veins from occurring, don't stand or sit in the same position for too long, and wear support stockings. Also, losing weight and regular exercise may help. Although varicose veins are usually not dangerous, see your physician for further evaluation.

The SoberLady says, "the woman are not gonna believe this one and the guys are gonna think it is too good to be true":

An Eyeful A Day Keeps the Doctor Away

by Jonathan Hayter

Staring at women's breast is good for men's health and makes them live longer, a new survey reveals.

Researchers have discovered that a 10 minute ogle at women's breasts is as healthy as half-an-hour in the gym.

A five-year study of 200 men found that those who enjoyed a longing look at busty beauties had lower blood pressure, less heart disease and slower pulse rates compared to those who did not get their daily eyeful.

Dr. Karen Weatherby, who carried out the German study, wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine: "Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well endowed female is roughly equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics workout."

"Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation."

"There is no question that gazing at breasts makes men healthier."

"Our study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of a stroke and heart attack in half."

"We believe that by doing so consistently, the average man can extend his life four to five years."

Each day a new beginning

A complete revaluation takes place in your physical and mental being whenyou've laughed and had some fun.    ~ Catherine Ponder

Norman Cousins, in his book "Anatomy of an Illness", describes how he cured his fatal illness with laughter.  Laughter recharges our entire being; every cell is activated.  We come alive, and full vitality restores us physically and emotionally. Many of us need both emotional  and physical healing, but perhaps we've overlooked the times to laugh because we've been caught in a negative posture.

Unfortunately, negativity becomes habitual for many of us.  However, it's never too late to turn our lives around, to laugh instead of complain. Choosing to see the bright side of life, to laugh at our mistakes, lessens our pain, emotional and physical. Laughter encourages wellness. It is habit- forming and, better yet, contagious. Bringing laughter to others can heal them as well.

We all want health and happiness in ourselves and others, and we can find it by creating it.  The best prescription for whatever ails us may well be a good laugh.

We all know that water is important but I've never seen it written down like this before.

1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. (Likely applies to half world's pop.)

2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.

3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.

4. One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a U-Washington study.

5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.

8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.



I recently read of a motorist who was caught in an automated speed trap. His speed was measured by a radar machine and his car was automatically photographed. In a few days he received a ticket for $40 in the mail along with a picture of his automobile. As payment, he sent the police department a snapshot of $40. Several days later, he received a letter from the police. It contained another picture -- of handcuffs!

Humor is an important part of a healthy life. Though often under-used, humor is also an essential problem-solving tool, particularly in conflict. It goes a long way toward building bridges over divisive waters. What might happen if you use humor to get at that aggravating problem you are facing today?