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If nothing else, The SoberLady has learned four things in life
I can't!
He can!
And I think I'm going to let Him!
This basically is a restatement of the first three steps.
As long as The SoberLady continues to Trust God, Clean House and Help other alcoholics, she can stay "clean and sober" One Day At A Time!
And YOU can too!

The SoberLady's terms for use of her site are very simple: Grab a cup of coffee, come in, sit down and enjoy. Anything you find here may be borrowed to use either on your site or passed along to your friends in recovery, as long as you give credit where credit is due. If an author is quoted, please also quote them and wherever possible link back to The SoberLady's Recovery Site, as she just loves having visitors anytime of the day or night. Remember this is all a learning and growing process and a part of practicing an "honest program".

Read the Disclaimer below:
Disclaimer:  This is an Unofficial A.A. Web Site. This Site is not endorsed by A.A. World Services. Nor is it endorsed by any Group or Intergroup. This site is here because of the willingness of a recovering person to give back a little of what Alcoholics Anonymous has given to her. A.A. World Services has originally published some of the readings on this WebSite and there should be no assumption that there is approval by the General Service Conference for their use on this WebSite. Alcoholics Anonymous®, A.A.®, and The Big Book® are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The Grapevine® and A.A. Grapevine® are registered trademarks of The A.A. Grapevine, Inc. Any links to any other sites on this Web Site are not endorsed by Alcoholics Anonymous, but are in fact links used by me personally in order to enhance this site and to provide information to other people with recovery related sites.
Copyright ©1996