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Squirtle Squad Headquarters

Members of the site

Lapras's Links
Abra's Adoption Agency
Nidoran's News (cards, show ,toys, games)
Clefairy's Codes
Paras's Poke Poll
Chansey's Chat
Muk's Mail
Gastly's Guestbook
Pidgey's Pokemart
Aerodactle's Awards
Scyther's Site of the Week
Meowth's Messages
Weezing's Webrings
Ivasaur's Icons
Pickachu's Pics
Dragonite's Downloads

Increase hits to your site.

Welcome too Squirtle Squad HQ. If you would like to join the squirtle squad then get our e-mail service.Also e-mail the webmaster with a pokemons name followed by a 2 diget # (which will be your code name). When you join the squirtle squad you will get a monthly newsletter featering news, codes, and cool links. FREE!!! Also the new poll is finnaly up and the news is now featuring the toys too. Other members of the Squirtle Squad help out on this site like Abra, Lapras,Clefairy,Paras,Muk, and the nidorans. Email me if you have questions or just to email. Please vote for this site at the 2 top site lists at the bottom of the page. Speaking of that I would like to thank all of you for voting, on the 150 list we are at 19 already (subject to change). That is very impressive considering how long we have been on the list.(New policy) If you want your site on our link page e-mail us with your site with or without a banner & put this banner on it.