-first hate mail-

first hate mail

Yeah, I really didn't know what to name this specific page, but I felt like sharing something. This is an email I sent to popular Hanson website hosts(or hostesses) asking if they would help me get my website popular by adding my link to their site or mentioning me somehow. There is no offense that I am putting into this, so if this person that I'm targeting reads it, hopefully they will understand. Anyways, this is what I wrote:

This email, I hope, isn't like a telemarketing scam to you guys.
I've come to the point where I have to ask people to visit my site and sign the guestbook so I can get recognition. So far - ZIP.
All you guys that I'm emailing, well, your links are on my favorites list, and have just been added to my new "my links" page on my webpage.
What I'm asking from you guys (since most of you or all of you are major Hanson [or fanfiction] websites hosts) is to PLEASE help me get some recognition for my website and stories. I know they're not the best, but I work so hard on everything, it seems that my energy just goes to waste.
- Please sign the guestbook and/or email me about it.
- Please help me with my non-existing traffic by placing my link onto your sites. I've already done so at "https://www.angelfire.com/az2/starside/mylinks.html".
Want me to do anything else in order for this request to be initiated? Just ask.
If you feel that I'm just worthless and lower than dirt, well, I feel sorry for you. Please give me a chance.
Link: https://www.angelfire.com/az2/starside The Star Side
From hostess (or host) to hostess, and the fight to help others.
- Kimberly
Thank you for at least reading this. I guess we can't be picky with everything.

And this was a reply I got:

Subj: RE: I like your website
Date: 1/15/01 10:05:36 AM US Mountain Standard Time
From: hanson@seductive.com (mallory hanson)
To: Natestars@cs.com

I'll go to your website and sign your guestbook when you show me some curtesy and sign mine. I don't think that's very intelligent of you to ask people to come and sign your guestbook when you do not sign theirs in return. I'm not going to come to your site until I see your name on my guestbook, I'm sorry.
-webmaster, sex-o-matic venus freak

So I wrote back:

:) Okay, I signed it. :)
- K

Subj: Seducing Hanson
Date: 1/15/01 11:14:15 AM US Mountain Standard Time
From: Natestars
To: hanson@seductive.com

I guess we all can't be nice enough. When was I not courteous to you? I had you on my favorites (at the top, mind you) AND on my links list. It would only get YOU more recognition, and nothing more for me I guess if you're going to be a jerk to me. Oh yeah, I think that if I visit a website just about every single day and let the person of the website know that, I think it would be extremely gratifying and pleasing for them to know that, but I guess it's just not good enough for you. I do not want to be an enemy, I just think it's not that intelligent to ask me to sign your guestbook unless I want to in order for you to visit my website. Guess you don't do much web-browsing do you? In that case, I really don't give a rap if you even hear about my website!!
- K
P.S. Don't say sorry if you don't mean it.

Yeah, that seems a little out of the line, but I was very upset. An upset feeling comes an upset outbreak. She wrote back:

Subj: I apologize
Date: 1/16/01 4:45:37 PM US Mountain Standard Time
From: hanson@seductive.com (mallory hanson)
To: Natestars@cs.com

I apologize for snapping at you the other day. I was having a very bad day. I had abosultely no right to say what I said to you. Thank you for coming to my site daily. I wasn't aware that you did, and I also was not aware that I was on your favorites list (obviously since I had yet to go to your site). Thank you for adding my link. I feel honored and I will add your link to my site as soon as I am able to (which should be in the next half an hour). Once again, I apologize, but I would like to point out that I had signed your guestbook previously under a different name. However I will sign it again. I hope you accept my apology and hopefully we can get past all this fighting and become friends.

Having the motherly intentions I've inherited, this is what I said:

Subj: Re: I apologize
Date: 1/16/01 6:44:41 PM US Mountain Standard Time
From: Natestars
To: hanson@seductive.com

Good evening.
I hate for the need to lecture you, but I must do so, in a brief fashion. Your outbreak of anger was totally uncalled for. I can understand that you were angry (for some unknown reason), and we all have our bad days, yet I was hurt by your response. It's just a common courtesy to just say, "I'll think about it" if you are going to disregard everything I've offered. Anyhow, I have not fully accepted your apology, but to some degree, I have. It shall take time because your response had me feeling almost extremely upset. Arrogance or not, I still add links to my site because they are my favorites, the character of the beholder of that site (you) will not be held against my taking it off of my favorites. I am not that kind of person.
I almost feel the need to ask you to not add my link to your site. The first time I asked I felt (by your response) that it was such a complicated task. If the offer is still on the table, then I accept. Thank you for an apology.
Till next time.
- K

This is the last part:

Subj: Re: I apologize
Date: 1/19/01 4:51:08 PM US Mountain Standard Time
From: hanson@seductive.com (mallory hanson)
To: Natestars@cs.com

whatever you say.

All I'm going to say now is I'm sorry, even though I feel dumb for saying it. Anyways, um, Mallory Hanson or Marionette, if you're reading this, well, I'm still tense, but I'd like to be allies, and not fight. I don't want to have to post more of these for the world to see. Anyways, hope everything is well and clear. Thanks for turning around and having my site up on your site (if it still is). You know yours is here.


-star side-