-chapter five-

chapter five

"Kim, honey, come out of your room. You've been in there for two straight days. You haven't been getting those bad cramps again, have you?" my mom asked worriedly on the outside of my room.

"No. Leave me alone." I called back out, burying my head into my stomach, holding it in place with my arms.

"Sweetie, please tell me what's wrong." she budged.

"No, I won't. Nothing is wrong, and even if there was something wrong, you probably wouldn't understand. Go away and leave me alone." I begged, and began weeping.

I heard my dad come up the stairs. "Kimberly Jean, come out now. I am your father and you will do what I say." he threatened.

"No. Go away. LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled, then cried.

My parents tried forever to get me out of my room. If it weren't for Jeff, I would've been with him now. Damn the thought.

"C'mon Doug. She obviously won't come out, and it doesn't seem like she will anytime soon. We'll try again later." I heard my mom murmur to my dad, and they went back downstairs.

I turned on my side and fell asleep once more in my bed.

The dream I had during that one and a half hour was a nightmare. Jeff and I were at the same party, and he went to get me a drink. I drank some of it, and the next thing I knew, I was on a bed and my clothes were gone. He had raped me. I could see him, but my eyes were closed. I tried to yell at him, but I had no voice. The drink had knocked me out unconcious.

I shot up out of bed when the phone rang. The clock read one twenty-seven pm. Groggily sitting on my hands, I muttered to myself, "Saved by the phone."

Knock, knock. "Kim, you have a phone call," my mom said. "It's Taylor."

"Take a message, I don't want to talk to anyone right now." I called out, and cried for the millionth time.

I just about drifted back off to sleep again when there was a knock on my window. My window.

I looked over and saw Taylor motioning to me to let him in.

I shook my hand in disgrace back to him.

He yelled, "Let me in, now!"

I got up off of my bed and opened the window. "What do you want?" I asked retchedly.

"Why have you been moping around and being depressed since the party?" he asked. "I thought, and you decided, that Jeff wasn't going to be an issue because he wasn't worth it. That is the problem, isn't it?"

"What do you think?"

"Oh, big deal Kim, you're acting like someone died."

"How can you be so heartless? I mean, how would you feel if you saw your girlfriend-" I started to analyze.

"I don't have a girlfriend." he interrupted.

"Don't toil with me. If you saw your girlfriend sleeping with another guy that wasn't you, how would you feel?"

"I don't want to have sex yet, so that situation wouldn't happen to me." he budged.

"Oh, Taylor! That's not the point. It's your girlfriend that's cheating on you, for nearly two weeks; how would you feel?" I asked for the last time.

"I would be going through what you are, but I wouldn't be overreacting. I would keep myself occupied to forget about it." he answered.

"Where's a good friend when you need one." I mumbled. A hurt expression came across Taylor's face, making me feel semi-guilty.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened, it's just that, do you think you deserve to mope around and deject yourself for him when he's the one that hurt you? If he had really cared about you and for you, he would've known better than to believe and be with another girl, let alone touch another female. You don't deserve it at all."

I just stared at the wall, and then turned around to face him. "You know, that really makes you think." I commented. He was right, no one would deserve that awful gratitude.

"Admit that I'm right, because I know you know that I am." he said conceitedly.

"I am not going to admit it to you yet, I will when the time is right, but can I just be alone then? I still need to recover even if an asshole caused it." I said.

"Sure. Call if you want to talk." he replied, and climbed out the window.

"And Tay?" I called out.

"Yeah?" he asked, jumping from limb to limb down the oak tree, stopping to look up.

"Thanks." I said, cracking a small smile.

"Anytime." he replied, smiling back. I shut my window.

"Anytime." he muttered, and walked back across the yard.

That night, Jen called me and told me to meet her and some of our close friends in the Lone Orchard. She told me to bring everything that reminded me of Jeff. "This will be good medicine for you. Trust me," she quoted.

As I was walking to the orchard, I saw smoke coming from the middle of it, the Lone Spot. I thought, Oh my god, did the girls set it on fire? Won't the police come and find out about it? Nah, it was twelve fourty-five in the morning. But I wasn't so sure.

I ran to the orchard, clinging my bag next my legs, which was moving uncontrollably. I can't believe I'm doing this. Oh well, Jeff the Jerk-off deserves it, that shit. I was glad Jen got me out to do this, whatever we were doing, but I had a pretty good guess. The smoke was a dead giveaway.

When I got there, there was a massive bonfire looming before me. One of the girls, Lynn, had a cooler full of cold drinks. There were about five of us, including me, there.

"Jen!" I called out. She turned around and walked over to me.

"Hey! I'm glad you came, I haven't seen you in awhile. I'm not sure if anyone has." she said, trying to make a joke.

"Ha ha, very funny, " I said sarcastically. "It was a painful process."

"Hey, I heard what happened at the party, and I'm-"

"Please, don't be sorry, he was a prick flashing his shit all over town." I stopped her

"I was going to say I'm not sorry because you came here. But if you didn't come, I probably would've said I was sorry, or until you got over it."

"Oh, whatever. Anyway, why are we here?"

"C'mon, I'll show you.

"Okay girls, everyone is here. Listen up, we're all here for a reason."

"Yeah, yeah, boo." everyone called out as if in boredom, some throwing their hands in the air.

"Hey, hey, I'm not done. We're here because we all went through a horrendous break-up with our ex boyfriends. Now, could anyone please tell Kim what we're going to do to make our time useful?" Jen speeched out.

"Wait, wait, wait. Before anyone does, I'd like to take a guess," I stated, walking around the hot fire. "We're all here to trash our ex-boyfriends."

"Jenny, tell here what she's won!" Micki called out, clapping her hands.

"Well, your fabulous prize is to save your horror ex-boyfriend story for last. And, you get to make a toast to...well, what is there to toast to?" Jen asked.

"Probably nothing, except for the fact that we're here to have a good time and go nuts! Whoooo!" Kacey said, shaking her hair everywhere.

"Girls, isn't this a bit much? I mean, c'mon, it's no big deal." I said, crossing my arms.

"No big deal? Kim, you're probably going to be the climax of this early morning. I mean, you stayed in your room for two days with no contact to the outside world." Jen replied, surprised.

"Well, yeah, but you all just seem so crazy and hyped up about it." I said.

"Kim, c'mon, loosen up, we just want to have some fun. Here, have a soda and chill." Daphne said, cool as she always is, and tossed me a Diet Pepsi.

"You're right. I have to relax." I agreed, letting go of my arms around my chest. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get this show on the road!" I yelled, throwing my arm straight into the air.

"That's the spirit!" Jen called out, tossing a stuffed bear that was a carnival gift from her ex-boyfriend into the fire, and it flared up, beginning our party.

"Oh, dammit, why can't I open this?" I mumbled to myself, having the hardest time sneaking back into my room without my parents waking up and trying to open the latch on the window.

"You stupid, fucking little-oh there, finally." I said, crawling into my room.

Sleepily, I changed into my pajama boxers and T-shirt and checked my beeper. "Taylor. Hmmm, you want me to call you now? Ha ha. Maybe tomorrow." I said after I heard the message, "Yo Kim, sup. Tay here. Just checking to see if you was doin' okay. Get better soon. Yup yup."

"Oh Taylor..." I sighed, climbing into bed and turning out the light.

-chapter four-

-chapter six-


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