-chapter three-

chapter three

"Taylor, make love to me. Right now. Make hot and wild love to me." I whispered into the darkness. The only light provided was Taylor's crystal blue eyes that hovered over my face; the rest his body slightly shaking from excitement.

"You want it?" he asked breathily, shifting his weight so that he was positioned to enter me.

"Yes. I want it bad." I replied sexily.

I could feel him about to go in for me. I was more ready, willing, and able for this moment than I ever would be. The moment shattered when a beeper rang on the other side of the room

"Whoops." Taylor said, and got up off of me. He went to pick up his pager, and looked at it.

"Yo, sweetheart. I gotta jet, that was Samantha beepin' me. She's lonely tonight, if you know whatta mean." he said in a ghetto undertone, gesturing with his hands.

"Is she another girl?" I asked disgustedly, lifting the white bed sheet up to my chest and sitting up against the headboard, curling my knees towards my chest.

"Yep." he replied, zipping his pants up in front of me, and left, shooting a fake bullet from his hand that he created a gun gesture at me.

"No Taylor!" I gasped, reaching my hand out to him as he closed the door.

Ring ring! Ring ring!

"Augh!" I awoke and jerked up from the bed. I brought my hand up to my heart and felt that it was racing. Sweat dripped down my face. My breathing rate climaxed and slowly descented to a normal status. I took a few of seconds to calm down.

Ring ring! Ring ring!

"Hello?" I asked dryly, picking up the phone.

"Good morning sunshine." rang a cheery Taylor on the other end.

"Taylor..." I breathed out dryly again. "Excuse me, hang on." I put the phone down and climbed out of bed, walking to the bathroom to drink some water so it would wet my throat down.

There was a knock coming from the connecting door that led to Taylor's room. I peeked out from the bathroom, and then went to open it.

"Oh Taylor, it's you." I said, my speech slurred from my disturbing slumber, rubbing my eyes. I said it like I was expecting someone else and not him.

"Oh, I see. You weren't expecting me." he said, drawing back in shame and walking backwards into his room.

"Taylor," I said, regaining my awakened self and grabbing the front of his shirt with both of my hands, an angered look on my face. "Tell me...there is no Samantha." I ordered.

"Huh? Who's Samantha?" he asked, confused and scratching his head.

"Taylor, sweetie, how much do you really love me?" I asked innocently, batting my eyes and cocking my head down on my left shoulder.

"Can I show you?" he asked greedily, stepping up closer to me.

I gave him a slow, dry kiss. He tried to open my mouth, but I didn't give in. I couldn't let him taste my morning breath. "I'm going to take a shower, kay?" I asked for his permission, ruffling his hair and let go of his T-Shirt and walked towars the bathroom.

"Can I join you? Please? I'll be a good boy, I promise." he begged, walking behind me on my heels.

"Well...." I taunted him and turned around backwards. I gave in and gave him a French kiss. "No." I said, and shut the door, locking it.

God, sometimes I hate Taylor so much. I mean, he's always with Molly, and everytime I see them together, which is ALL THE TIME, they're always diong something that should be behind closed doors, and in public! I'm not so jealous of Tay though; Molly is a great girl. I respect her. But it's also like I've lost part of my brother that I miss. It used to be fun to tease him about girls, and it still is, but he just has a girlfriend now. A serious one, it seems. I never thought I would come to being jealous of Tay, but I guess that's what I'm feeling. And I guess this is what this vacation is for: to relax and be independent for a little bit. And hopefully find a girl to hang out with and be VERY good friends, ha ha. Speaking of girls, they're everywhere! Wow, and they're so hot too. One of them is bound to be mine, at least for a week.

"Hey Ike. What'cha writing?" Tyler bounded into the room from Molly's and bounced on his unmade bed.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out." I replied, closing my notebook.

"You better get ready. We have to meet in a half-hour for breakfast." Taylor said, grabbing his stack of a blue-camoflague shirt and khaki shorts and walked into the bathroom to get dressed for the day.

Reluctantly, I got up and put on my swim trunks and a white T-shirt, and throwing sunblock in my rolled-up towel, ready to show off who Isaac Hanson really was at the pool.

"Okay, everyone. As you know, today, everyone can go their own ways. Avery and Mackenzie will go to the Seagull club indefinetly. Jessica, do you want to go today?" Walker started to explained and asked.

"Yeah Dad." she replied, putting her breakfast fork down on the table.

"Okay. Um, that's about it. Remember, we meet at the elevators on our floor at six o'clock." he finished.

I was too excited to eat my breakfast, and my smile showed it. If I could have, I would have grabbed Taylor's hand, and we would've bolted out of there. If only the damn bill would hurry up.

"What do you want to do today, sweetie?" Taylor asked me, stabbing one of my unsyruped pancakes with his fork and picked them up, setting them down on his empty plate.

"Hey, that's mine!" I cried, and snatched it off his plate and placed it back where it was on my plate.

"Well, you weren't eating them." he said, taking the pancake back.

I took it away from him and gobbled it up, swallowing it. "Happy?" I asked with a full mouth.

"What are we doing today?" he reiterated from before.

I swallowed a piece of fruit from my salad. "We're exploring the ship, why honey?" I asked.

"Oh, I just wanted to know if I needed to prepare anything if we were doing something specific." he replied, moving his eyes.

"Like what?" I questioned, curious about what he was thinking, looking at him now.

He paused for a second, looking at me. "Swimming." he said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, I know what you're thinking." I said, munching on some scrambled eggs now.

"Then tell me what you think what I'm thinking." he said.

I brought my mouth to his ear and whispered, "Sex."

"Oh." he replied, bringing his head away from my mouth. "That eh?"

I smiled with my teeth showing and clenched. "Don't even think about it."

Finally, the bill came, and I excused Taylor and myself right away from the restaurant. I wanted this day to be perfect.

Bam! Bam! Bam! I shot down three more guys. I had found a video arcade on the 8th deck. I started to follow Taylor and Molly once they charged out of the restaurant, hoping to go exploring with them, but until we approached this arcade, I immediately ditched them for this favorite pasttime of mine. I just hoped the quarters in my pocket were enough to last me for the rest of the afternoon.

I was so engaged in my game that I was racking up points by the thousands. I didn't realize how concentrated I was on making the top score in the machine when I felt a tap on my shoulder, and it caused me to shoot one of my own men.

"Argh!" I grunted, and pounded the machine. I started to turn around and confront the person that disengaged my concentration. "Couldn't you wait until-oh." I stopped my angry voice and found myself staring at a really cute girl. Around my height, most likely. Honey blonde hair that fell to her shoulders. She had a baby bear and chipmunk face. Her nose was small and shaped in a resemblance of a heart and she had full cheeks. Her lips were pursed. She wore a white tank top with a green shirt over it, unbuttoned, and blue shorts a half of a foot from her knee, and of course, white tennis shoes.

"I'm sorry to have interrupted your game," she spoke with a soft, keen voice; twirling her hands in a jumble. "But I was going to ask you to a game of hockey. Unless you're too busy." she invited, standing up straight with her hands behind her back.

I was speechless by her looks, and I tried to get my answer out of my stuttering mouth. She wants to make-out with me?! "Hockey?" I asked, looking wide-eyed at her.

"You know, table hockey?" she asked, pointing towards the table behind her and a ways over. Damn

"Oh! Sure." I said, leading her over to the game.

"I'm Jenny." she introduced herself, sticking out her hand to shake his.

"I'm Forrest, Forrest Gump." I said, imitating Forrest Gump, shaking her hand back.

"Huh?" she asked, smiling, grabbing the table with her hands.

"Nothing. Inside joke. I'm Zac." I said, smiling back, inserting two quarters into the machine.

Aaahhh, this is the life, I thought as I laid back into the lounge chair and placed my hands behind my head for support, taking a break from swimming.

I was just enjoying the sun and about to close my eyes until a shadow casted over me. "Excuse me." a feminine voice asked. I opened my eyes, which were hiding behind my black sunglasses. I smiled, checking out this girl up and down. She was around five and a half feet, and wore a blue tie-dyed bikini, her light brown hair dripping wet from the pool water, as well as her body.

"Can I help you?" I asked in a deep voice, still smiling.

"You're laying on my towel." she said, pointing to the towel I was laying on and smiling back.

"Well," I said, and sat up. "There's enough room for two people." I invited her to sit down on the lounge with me, and scooted over.

She sat. "So there is. I'm Erica." she said, extending her hand.

"Isaac." I replied, shaking her hand.

"Isaac. Nice to meet you." she said, trying my name out.

"Likewise, Erica." I replied, doing the same. Even though we only made little conversation, I could already tell this was the girl. I know I said there were a bunch of them on this ship, but somehow, my mind told me this one stood out from them all.

-chapter two-

-chapter four-


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