-first party-

first party

I don't think I'll ever forget this event. Ever. Everyone has a party that they host some time in there life; well, almost everyone. I just happened to be one of those people.

Saturday, September 23rd, 2000

It all started at the first party I ever went to. Well actually, it all started this morning after a crew meeting at Sonic. Ashley invited me to go to The Damn Show, a concert festival featuring hard rock, punk, small bands, etc.; and Brian invited me (and Ashley as well) to a party later this night.

I accepted to both the invitings. Brian asked what beer I wanted; I said anything was fine with me. Ashley went with me to the mall to buy my concert ticket, and we also went shopping for clothes we were going to wear to The Damn Show.

Ashley, her friend Amy, and I spent the whole day at the festival listening to such bands like Pennywise, Linkin Park, Deftones, Papa Roach, Orgy, Incubus, MXPX, and MUCH more. The people caught me bringing in my own water. I had to throw my bottle away, but I brought two, so I had a spare bottle. I got high off of the people smoking weed. I even fell asleep from it all. But it was fun. Brian, Jason and Aaron also happened to be there. Since I liked Brian at the time, I was happy to see him. We saw one of those mechanical horses that you ride like a bull. I told him I would ride that if he watched me, and he said something along the lines of "Ooh Baby," but I never rode it. The rest of the day was quite pleasant, even with all of the freaks around me.

After The Damn Show, which was about 10pm, we drove home, and Ashley and I finally headed over to the party about 11pm. I put on my new tank top that showed off my belly, but I wore a jacket over it because it was cold.

Ashley and I got lost because the directions Brian DREW were hard to read. We finally found it, which was some crappy place that looked to be inhabited. I knocked on the door hard because loud music was playing, and Brian answered the door. He thought it was the policemen, he told me. The only people there were him, Paul, Jason, Aaron, and two other guys.

This was NOT a party. I had no idea what it was, nor did I know what to do. So I did what any other person would do: pop a cold one and kick back, which is what I did.

Then the devil of the time called, Shannon, to get directions to the place. The guys couldn't explain it to her; I'm assuming they were already somewhat drunk. So I grabbed the phone and told them to her as how I got there.

Shannon eventually arrived, with her friend Haley as well. They said hi to me and Ashley, who were still in the same room we'd always been, just chatting. Later we found out everyone was outside talking. No one bothered to inform us. As Ashley and I were stepping out, Aaron informed me that Shannon was "talking shit" about me. I asked why she was, and he said it was because I couldn't give directions. What the devil, like I said so earlier...

We went outside, and quite frankly, I was starting to get tipsy, but I was still cool. I just sat down on the ground, contemplating to leave soon if this party didn't pick up.

Brian came and sat down next to me and asked what was wrong. I said blatantly, "This party sucks. It really sucks." He seemed offended, but in a joking way. We talked for a little bit when my mouth opened up wide.

"My parents are out of town next weekend." I said, sipping my beer. It didn't mean to come out, but since I liked Brian at the time, I figured any chance for him to come to a party with me there would be any opportunity for me to catch.

"Really? You gonna have a party?" he asked.

"Should I?"

"Yeah, I'll come."

"Well, I don't know. I mean, they'll be back Saturday and stuff..." I started to deny.

"Well, don't worry about it. We'll talk about it later." he said.

"Yeah, but I'm leaving. I'm very bored." I finished, and got up. Ashley followed me, and we drove home. I was still tipsy, but I managed my car well driving back home. I was loud going in the front door, but I fell asleep about a half hour later.

Me and my mouth!!

-part two-

-short stories-

-star side-