-chapter ten-

chapter ten

"Oh, look at them! Look at how in love they are!" I heard Stacie swoon when she, Rachel, and Dustin walked down the hall upstairs towards me and Taylor.

Although I heard her, I didn't acknowledge the group's arrival, and paid no attention to her comment. I kept my focuses on my lust object. My lips only belonged on Taylor's. We only had so much time together for the next few months, and before first period was one of those special moments. Kissing was very romantic for us. Luckily, we weren't that exhausted to spend quality time together, even if it was valuable time spent in public.

I felt Stacie's, Rachel's, and Dustin's, Stacie's boyfriend, eyes bore into us. We didn't stop. I only made it more obvious to encourage Brian's arms to encircle my waist, while I wrapped mine gently around his neck. When I broke away from him, I parted my face inches from his and rubbed my nose with his. "Eskimo kiss." he whispered, and chuckled. I giggled, and did it again, then returned to kissing his lips with mine.

"Do you ever stop?" Rachel asked, staring, her mouth gaping. We didn't stop.

"Geez Tay, you're completely stuck to her mouth. Can't you let go for two seconds?" Dustin observed when he stuck his tongue in my mouth aggresively, disgusted.

"Hey Noelle, you want to come with me to an Everclear concert? I have a ticket for you." Stacie piped up.

"What-you do?" I asked greedily, breaking away from Taylor.

"Aw man, Stacie. What did you do that for?" Taylor whined, still holding me in his embrace.

"Taylor, I don't know about you, but we were getting very disgusted from your show. It had to end." Dustin said distastefully.

"Then don't watch." he said, and went to kiss me again.

"No Taylor, wait. Do you really have tickets?" I asked, pushing Taylor's face away from mine.

"No, I just wanted you guys to stop your show." she replied.

"That," I paused, pointing my finger at her, "was not smart."

"Yeah, and like I said before, don't watch if you don't like what you see." Taylor spoke up, turning me around so my back was pressed against his stomach, and I laid against him, with his arms still wrapped around my waist.

"I need to talk to you." Rachel spoke up to me. She pulled me away from our small crowd.

"What happened?" she asked when we reached a small corner of the hall.

"What do you mean 'what happened?'" I asked nonchalantly.

"Stupid, you never do that with him in public. Something obviously or must of happened over vacation. I want you to tell me." she said.

"Do what?" I asked, confused.

She smacked me upside my head. "Duh, make-out! What do you think I'm talking about?"

"Oh, okay. Nothing happened over vacation." I said, dreamily, smiling at her.

"Something did. Your talk is breathy." she commented.

"Oh, nothing much. We just...came closer together because of...a personal issue." I said, holding my stomach.

Her eyes went directly to my stomach as I clutched it tighter and tighter. In an ESP feeling, I could see the thoughts racing in her head.

"What do you mean 'a personal issue?'" she asked slowly, boring her half-squinted eyes back into mine.

"Something happened, that's all. Why are you so nosy? Curiousity killed the cat." I informed in my normal tone of voice.

"When I start meowing, I'll worry. Noelle, did you sleep with him?" she whispered cautiously, and looked back at Taylor. He was looking at us and didn't take his eyes away the whole time.

"Yeah." I replied dreamily, lost in my own world.

"What!? You had sex!?" she screamed.

I snapped. "Shhh!" I hissed, and then whispered. "Excuse me, I'm still a virgin. I haven't have sex yet. Where did you get that from?"

"Look, I don't know what planet you're on, but you just said that you slept with Taylor."

I rolled my eyes. "Uh, no Rachel. Look, I promise you I didn't sleep with him. We just grew closer together because...okay, we kinda got into a bind sometime before Christmas started, which led to my confiding into him, and from then, we just totally understood each other, and I think I'm in love with him for that." I explained, avoiding the barriers of telling her what the secret was.

"Can you tell me? I mean, the secret." she asked.

"Oh, Rach, I'm sorry. I don't think I can. It's one of those special bonds, or pacts, that we both share. You wouldn't understand anyway. Well, you might, but let's not touch it right now. Okay?" I comprehended.

"Sure Noelle." she understood. We walked back to our group and walked together to our next class.

-chapter nine-

-chapter eleven-


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