-chapter thirteen-

chapter thirteen

"Noelle?" Taylor spoke up as we laid on my bed next to each other. He had been staring up at the ceiling and twisting locks of my hair around his fingers; his other hand wrapped around my back.

"Hmm?" I asked, bringing my head up from from his chest, stopping to listen to him instead of the steady rhythm of his heartbeat and breathing.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked.

"Shoot." I said, kissing his cheek, and then laying my head back on top of his chest.

He picked up the remote and turned the TV off, propping himself up on his elbows.

"What do you think about sex?" he asked out of the blue, looking at me.

I brought my head up and faced him. "I think about it quite often, why do you ask?" I replied, calmly.

He was taken aback by my response. "Woah. Um, well, I was just, um, thinking about us the other day. You know, how we, um, I mean, uh, when we-"

"Tay-lor," I said slowly, "you can tell me, favor me, ask me, anything me." I said, trying to make him feel more at ease.

"Okay, I'm just going to say this straight-forward. I was saying how I was thinking about us the other day, and how many times and how far we've gone fooling around. And now we're coming to the point where sex is going to be mentioned or we're, the both of us, going to be more sexually involved." he explained, using hand gestures.

"You mean sexually active." I tried to comprehend what he was pointing our, knowing full well what he was trying to say.

"Well, no, I mean that we are at the point where we are just experiencing more...sexual actions, and once we've gotten past a certain point-"

"Which is..." I interrupted.

"The uncomfortable silence that occurs when the clothes start to come off during our reclined make-outs."

"Are you trying to imply something, Taylor?" I asked innocently, stroking his cheek, and making him nervous.

"Yes, I am. I know that this will sound a bit sudden, but, are you ready for sex?" he asked, pulling me into his lap so that our legs almost encircled each other.

"I'm not ready for sexual intercourse, Taylor. Are you? And if you are, are you saying you want us to have sex with each other?" I asked a question with a question.

"I don't know. I mean, sometimes I feel like I am, but then when my mind goes through all the motions, I have good and bad sides to look at it from." he shared.

"Good and bad sides?" I questioned.

"Like, good sides would bring us closer if we had sex, and bad sides that it would hurt us both physically and emotionally." he explained.

"Oh." I said.

"I only want to have sex with you when we're both one hundred per cent sure that we're ready, when it's the perfect moment, and when I can protect you in every way." he said.

I had thoughts that I wanted to tell him, but what he just said made my eyes water. I hugged him for a long time, rubbing the palms of my hands generously up and down his back. I could feeling him doing the same.

"Taylor?" I asked softly, kissing his neck.

"Yes?" he whispered back.

"This is the perfect moment." I kissed his ear.

Still hugging, I could feel him become stunned. He brought his face in front of mine, holding my cheeks.

He stared for a few pauses, licking his lips, staring hard. His eyes were big, and so were mine.

"You're ready?" he asked, his breath panting and hot.

I nodded my head yes. He gave me a brutally hard stare for a nano-second, and then forcefully, and quickly, pressed his lips upon mine. I let my hands drift to the small of his back, slowly lifting up his shirt. As I did, he thrusted his tongue into my mouth. Soon I had his shirt up above his chest, but then I let it back down. I lifted his arms up, and he kept them up while I took off his shirt. He took it from my hand and threw it across the room, and it landed on the back of my vanity chair.

I had my arms around his naked shoulders, and his hands kept at my waist, our kisses more tamer.

I made my kisses ravenous, and I pushed Taylor onto his back, laying down on the bed. We lay there for awhile, engulfed in our own pleasure, when I sat up, and took off my shirt and threw it on the opposite side of the room where Taylor's shirt was. His hands traced up to my breasts, and he held them, slowly stroking me up and down.

My mind instructed me to unbutton his jeans. I did so, and I stroked him sensually. He let out a loud, seducing moan, and put my hand inside of his green boxers. My hand hesitated, and then shakily, I caressed him in a very sexual way. He stiffened up immediately, and he grabbed at my breasts, his groping intensified with every stroke that I matched to him.

All was stopped to an abrupt halt when my door was knocked on. "Noelle, you in there?" my dad asked.

My eyes shot open, my hand got out of Taylor's shorts, and I got up off of him. He let go fo me, and we put our shirts back on. I ran a brush through my hair. "Hang on, I'm changing!" I yelled, using my same excuse again so that he wouldn't come in my room. Taylor straightened out the bed. When I heard my dad go away, I whispered to Taylor, "Come on, we can go out now."

We walked downstairs into the kitchen, where my dad and Diana were each having a glass of champagne.

"Kids, we have great news." Diana spoke up from where she sat at the kitchen counter when she saw me and Taylor enter the room, a big smile on her face. She was glowing, and so was Dad.

The expression on Taylor's and my face turned from not-showing-it grim faces to I'm-interested, eyebrows-up straight faces. Kids?

"We're getting married." my dad spilled.

Our minds went blank while our mouths hung open.

-chapter twelve-

-chapter fourteen-


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