

The wedding was held on a beautiful sunny day on July the 27th; a Thursday. Diana and my father wasted no time in preparing for the ceremony. They got right down to business. As I sat in a pew outside where it was being held, looking at all the prosperous decorations that were set up in a wonderful arrangement, I went to thinking back on when I first saw Taylor. Geez, we really treated each other like shit. I almost felt sorry for us, Taylor especially. But I had paid my reparations back, and he the same.

Our friends were surprised when we told them our parents news. I don't really know how put their reactions to words, but it was just an ackward moment at the time. It felt weird for me and Taylor telling them we had to break up because our single parents were tieing the knot. It was a weird ending to our school year.

My dad and Diana gave me and Taylor permission to invite a few close friends to the wedding and the reception. I had my best friend, Claudia, fly out from California, and of course my buddies from school.

I watched as the priest announced the newly-wed couple husband and wife, and now it finally came to my realization that the relationship between Taylor and I was actually over, and there was no going back to save it. Taylor. He'd barely said a word since we pulled up to the chapel. Maybe the same thing I had been thinking about all morning had been contemplating his mind, too.

The reception came around, and Taylor excused himself early. By now, I knew something was wrong, so I left the table I was at and went to go look for him. I found him behind the wall of where the wedding took place.

"Taylor, what's wrong? You've been acting distant since we left. Is something bothering you?" I asked, concerned by his behavior. He had been like that since the day we found out about the marriage.

"Noelle," he said, leaning against the wall and looking up; his hands in his pockets, "I just...can't get over the fact that...we aren't together anymore." he said, using his hands to gesture his explanation.

"I know. I feel the same way. But, we can't do this, Taylor! It's wrong." I hated to say it so much, but I had to.

"I know it's wrong." he agreed, looking at me now.

There was a silence. At that moment, I knew what Taylor was going to do next. I was expecting something that wasn't going to help our feelings, and it was extremely inappropriate.

Taylor got up from the wall and leaned in to kiss me. As he pulled away, I grabbed his face and fed him more kisses; his hands holding my waist. After a few of them, we pulled away.

"You want to go somewhere else?" he asked quickly and breathy.

"Yes." I replied in his same tone of voice.

We went inside where the reception was being held, and saw a church next to it.

We entered the chapel and walked to a quiet corner of the room. It was dark.

Before we knew it, Taylor was on top of me, kissing like I wouldn't imagine. He had his pants half way down his legs, and my dress was unbuttoned all the way to under my chest, exposing my bra and breasts that popped right out into view.

Taylor pushed the bottom of my dress up to my stomach, and I realized what was happening in front of my eyes.

"Do you have a condom with you?" I asked, my voice muffled.

That question wasn't necessary. He already had one on him.

"Ahhh!" I grinded my mumbled moans into his neck and wringed his shirt when he entered me. His face strained, and he propped himself on his hands, increasing his leverage to go in further.

His pelvic thrusts became more intense as he tried to reach his climax. I wanted to stop, I really did since we both knew that this was wrong. But I couldn't. We couldn't turn back now. It was so much, I wanted to take it all in, no matter the consequences.

After what seemed like hours but was only seconds, Taylor stopped. I knew he came, and I did shortly after he did and he pulled out.

I smoothed my dress back down and buttoned it back up. Taylor tucked his shirt and pulled his pants back on, re-adjusting himself.

We walked silently back to the reception. It was a very uncomfortable slience, until I stopped Taylor.

"Taylor, what we did just then does not leave this conversation. That was totally out of the line, and you shouldn't have done that." I blamed him.

"Me?! You let me fuck you-" he started to blow up.

"Fuck? That is not the word to describe that situation." I started to get into his face like I had done so many times before.

"Okay, you let me have sex with you AND don't tell me that you didn't say no because you didn't. If you did, I would have stopped. But I wanted it, and obviously, at the very least, you did too." he pointed out.

There was a pause. "I know. You're right," I whispered, "But...we really can't continue this, Taylor. You and I both know it's very wrong." I continuted to plant down pat.

"That's why we did that. That...was the end, Noelle." he said, throwing his arm down.

"I'm going to miss this." I whispered after a slight pause, crossing my arms and looking down at the ground, scuffing my shoe.

He shook his head. "Don't. Because I won't." he said, and started to walk away.

"Taylor!" I gasped.

"Noelle, I've accepted it already, but you haven't, and you know it. Just get over it." he said, and walked back to his table, and left me flabberghasted.

My lips pursed before the tears spilled down from my eyes. "So what are you? Are you my friend or foe?" I whispered to myself, letting a tear slide down my cheek.

-chapter fourteen-


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