

"What more is there to do on the hottest day in the middle of the summer?" Taylor thought in his mind over and over again. It was summer vacation, and yet another boring, hot day was passing over him like an eagle. Most of his friends were either at camp or on vacation. He could have helped his mother with the chores around the house, but no teenager was interested in that, even if they were bored out of their mind. He had already been online for a few hours and was starting to get cabin fever. Only soap operas played during the daytime on television. And the radio played endless repeats of outplayed songs.

He watched outside his window across the street and let his mind wander for any ideas to entertain himself in the least bit. The people living in the house across from him were moving, as he was told by the "For Sale" sign that was planted in their yard. He continued watching, hoping that someone would soon buy the house, even when he was watching it. There were a couple who had just had newborn twins, along with five other children, all very annoying, bratty, and impossible. I'll be glad when they're gone; no more baby-sitting them, Taylor thought.

Two men stepped outside the house from the front door, and Taylor continued to watch them. One was carrying a briefcase, the other man had bare hands. They talked for awhile, and then shook each others hands. The man with the briefcase, or the realtor, as Taylor assumed, walked over to the "For Sale" sign, and posted a "Sold" sign over it.

"Yes!" Taylor rejoiced aloud, and got up from the window sill and did a victory dance.

-chapter one-


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