-sequel: chapter one-

sequel: chapter one

"You like that Tay?" I asked, getting out of breath.

"Yeah. Keep it up. Oh. Yeah." he gasped, closing his eyes tightly.

"Mm. God." The bed kept creaking with every jerk and jump we made.

"Okay, okay. You can stop now." he said, keeping his eyes closed.

"Thank you." I gasped, falling down and collapsing on his chest, now totally out of breath.

"What is your fetish with me jumping up and down over you on the bed?" I asked, bringing my head up.

"I like watching your tits shake. Gets me up." he replied, lifting his pelvis up to prove it.

I gave him a weird look, "Tay!" I whined, leading my hand down to the bulge in his pants and roughly grazed my hand over it, barely touching it. "Naughty boy."

"Hey." he said, turning me on my back, and then got on top of me and sat at my hips.

"What." I replied contently, holding his waist.

"Wanna have sex?" he asked, bringing his head down centimeters away from mine.

"Mmmmm, I dunno Tay." I replied, scrunching my nose.

"Okay, well, maybe not sex, but...waitaminute. Before I ask, are you on your period?" he asked.

"No. Why, you wanna go down on me?" I asked, smiling, running my tongue over my teeth slightly through my parted lips.

"Noelle, when was your last one?" he asked, concerned.

"I dunno." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. He gave me a 'yeah right' look.

"I'm serious! I lost my calendar." I informed.

"But the second time we had sex I didn't have a condom on, you know that."

"Tay, if I'm not worried about it, you shouldn't be." I said, "I mean, maybe I have long cycles."

"Ones worth two months?" he asked, creasing his eyebrows and tipping his head to the side.

"Yeah, probably." I said.

"Nuh-uh. You told me only every twenty-eight days, give or take a day."

"Well, think of this: Would you rather have me be on my period, or you getting some dessert?" I asked, tracing his lips with my tongue.

Taylor looked tormented, like he was really thinking about how concerned he was about my period or eating my cunt. Then he smiled at me, trusting me, and lifted up my shirt, sprinkling my stomach and breasts with kisses.

The truth was, I was quivering inside. The thought of pregnancy crossed my mine when my period was five days late. I realized we had unprotected sex, and I didn't bother with any birth control or any way to keep myself from being impregnated.

I was scared. I was terrified. What would I do if I was pregnant? Did I look pregnant? The worst part was, how would I tell dad and Diana? Even worse, what if they asked who the father was?

As a million thoughts ran through my head, I could feel Taylor's fingers unbuttoning my shorts and pulling down my underwear.

Dear God no, please don't let me be pregnant.

He lifted up my legs to rest on his shoulders and his tongue traced along the insides of my thighs.

I can't be pregnant.

His tongue went up and down, and up and down my clitoris continously, sticking it in and out of my hole.

What am I going to do?

I laid there, trying to take my mind off my thoughts and concentrate on the pleasure that Taylor was bringing forth to me.

"Mmph, Taylor." I moaned lightly, shutting my eyes tightly and squirming a bit. I grabbed the back of his head and pushed him in further.

He nipped and bit at me, but the majority of my pleasure came from the intense movements of his tongue. He thrusted it in and out, in and out; faster and faster.

"Tay. Faster. Faster. Ah!" I moaned louder, pushing his head closer.

I heard him eating and sucking to his hearts content, and moaning as well. Everytime I spoke, he increased the movement of his tongue.

"Ah! Ah! Ahhhh!" I screamed, and climaxed when his tongue felt like a vibrator against my sensitive, wet skin.

He brought his head up and looked at me. "Yum. Nice and sweet. Are you hungry?" he asked, climbing back on top of me and kissing my lips, dropping the wetness from my vagina onto mine, giving me a taste of what I tasted like.

I was still trying to get back to my regular breathing state. I smiled, and brought Taylor's face down to mine. We looked at each other, smiled, and kissed.

"Move over!" I yelled playfully, turning him over on his back, and me on top of him. We smiled again, and kissed.

Then I gave him the look that Sarah Michelle Gellar gave Ryan Phillipe when she was about to feel him up in Cruel Intentions. I lifted up Tay's shirt to his neck, and kissed his nipples, kissing my way down to the button of his jeans. I unbuttoned them, and out popped his penis, waiting to be released and fully upright from the covering or his boxers. I opened up the slit, freeing him.

"Are you gonna feast on me?" he asked.

"No. I want to fuck you instead." I stated.

"Fine by me!" he quickly agreed.

I was about to insert him into myself when he put his hand there to stop me.

"I wanna see you naked." he panted, lifting up his shirt as he said it.

I started to undo my blouse from the top, and Taylor did the bottom. I threw my blouse off, and Taylor brought his body up and held my breasts and kissed my cleavage. He moved his hands to the front of my bra and unclasped it.

I moved away before he could taste my breasts and got off the bed. I slipped out of my underwear, and pulled off Taylor's jeans and boxers hungrily, leaving us both completely in the nude.

I crawled back on top of him, and inserted himself into me, sitting on him, and moving up on him.

He held my waist and pushed me against him. I ran my hands over and around his chest roughly. His movements went from gentle to rough, and brought himself up in a sitting position, pumping himself into me harder, and rougher; my arms hanging onto him tight around his back.

"Yeah. Come on. Oh. Oh." he groaned, breathing harder and pushing faster.

"Ah. Oh God Tay." I moaned. My breasts were pressed again his chest tightly and jiggled every time he thrusted himself deeper into me.

"Ahhhh! Yes...Oh God." He reached his climax as I reached mine.

I didn't let go of him, and we stayed in each other's presence for a minute or so. Then Taylor fell back, and I fell with him.

"You wanna lay here for awhile?" he asked quietly.

"Actually, Dad'll be home soon, so that may not be the best choice." I said, letting go of him and gettin gup, putting on a fresh change of clothes.

He got up, gathered his clothes, and exited my room. He stopped at my door, and said, "Find that calendar."

I turned around to face him, but he had already left the room.

"Noelle Chavez, the doctor can see you now." the receptionist chimed in from behind her desk.

She led me into a small room, and instructed me to put on the paper robe on the mat and wait until the doctor came in.

I sat there in my crinkly, dry gown, staring at the posters on the wall. There were pictures of pregnant women going through the trimesters of pregnancy. There were also gross pictures of sexually transmitted diseases. The longer I stared at them, the more nervous I became. I can't be pregnant. God no, please don't let me be. I thought about Taylor, Dad, Diana, and a baby and me, living under one roof as a family. Dad and Angela weren't even pictured as grandparents yet; hell it never crossed their minds. I couldn't be pregnant, the picture didn't look right with Dad and Diana, Taylor and me, and a baby; our baby. I'm not ready for a baby.

"Noelle Chavez?"

I snapped out of my daydream and gasped. The doctor was in and scared me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I asked, calming down, yet quivering.

"Hello. I'm Doctor McGee. I see here that you need some tests to be taken." she looked at her clipboard while telling me this.

"Yes I do." I replied, quiet and scared.

"I'd like to ask you some questions first before we proceed." she said, "They'll be simple, and I must have the truth, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Are you sexually active?" came the first question like a fastball.

"Yes." I hesitated to say it.

"When was your last period?"

"About a week and a half ago."

"Have you noticed anything strange? What kind of symptoms have occurred since your last period? Headaches? Queasiness? Vomiting?..."

"Well, not really. Around when my period was late, I was getting headaches, and my breasts were tender. Um, I had intense sideaches, but they weren't cramps. I did throw up a few times on consecutive days, but I thought it was just the flu. That's it; I haven't noticed anything else." I gave a brief description of my irregularities.

She asked me a few more questions, and instructed me to go into the bathroom and pee in a cup in order for her to take the pregnancy test. I changed back into my normal clothes and waited for the results to come in.

It was the longest twenty minutes in my whole life. I'd look at the posters in the room, and turn my eyes to the clock, in which it never moved. I tried reading a magazine, but it didn't help either. For awhile, I had thought time froze by itself.

After about eighty seven hours later, the doctor came back in with the results. I didn't know if my heart was humming or if it had stopped...I needed to know if I was pregnant or not...

I walked into my house like a zombie, stalking very slowly and staring into space. I could barely drive home.

Taylor came downstairs and greeted me.

"Hey Noelle, where'd you go?" he asked, oblivious to what I had found out.

"Taylor, come here and sit down. I...need to tell you something." I said subtley.

His face got a concerned, scared look as we sat down on the couch.

"Taylor, I don't know how to tell you this..." I started to say.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I...I...I-I'm..." I couldn't say it.

"You're what?" he pushed.

"I'm pregnant with our child." I blurted.

The only thing I could remember was his face turning white as a ghost.

-chapter two-


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