-i cried-

i cried

I cried last night. I cried because you told me you didn't want to. And I did. I had thought about it all day. The more I thought, the more I was comfortable with it. I thought I was really going to go through with it. I was ready. Pain and everything else was in the back of my mind.

I also know who you are. If I was ready, you would be there. But no. You can't and I know why now. All of it from your heart. But I know you. If I told you to, you would. At least I think you would.

I cried because I realized that I sitll love you. After all the pain I dealt with that involved you, it wasn't enough for me to stop. Blindly, I realized I still loved you after I gave in.

I am not mistakened; this isn't lust. It's love. I want to show you my love. I am ready for love. If I love, why are you denying it? Why are you turning away from love? Are you scared? It's just me. Don't be scared. Don't be scared to hurt me. Don't be scared to love me back.

-my monologues-

-my writings-

-star side-