tuesday: august thirty-first, nineteen ninety-nine

tuesday: august thirty-first, nineteen ninety-nine

Josh called at 10:40pm last night. I'm really glad he did because I thought he was upset at me yesterday. He was acting distant, and he never said hi when he saw me in between passing periods. I didn't even see him a lunch. But he called, and made me feel better.

It was the second day of school, and I got a ride with Jenna. She has a pre-first, and I don't. Her class starts at 7:20am, while my class started at 8:25am. I went in early instead of taking the bus because I wanted to make an appointment with my counselor to get a schedule change. I thought I could have seen him that morning, but it turns out he wasn't available until tomorrow at 3:30pm. So I took it. I want to change Spanish to fifth, and World History down to fourth. I want to have a Main Campus for fourth so I could get to lunch earlier than I would coming from Sierra Vista.

After I made an appointment, I trekked outside of the office and stayed there for a few minutes reading ahead on "To Kill A Mockingbird" for English class. I couldn't sit still because the book so far is boring. I got up to see when the table was being set up for students to sign up for lockers. I was the first sophomore to get a locker, number 1001, downstairs in the Academic building. It was hard to open it at first, so feeling like a freshman, I asked a junior to help me with it, and in return I gave her the time when pre-first classes got out. I finally learned how to open my locker, and it wasn't that hard. I went into the library for awhile to read the rest of chapter three. Then I walked outside, and found my two friends, Luis and Yvonne. We talked to our old Health teacher from last year.

Then classes started. I went into Journalism. Oh yuck, Mrs. Mikkelson assigned us into seats, and of course, it had to be in alphabetical order, and I'm in the front with a bunch of freshmen, ew! Anyway, we read about the history of newspapers and how they were designed. Our homework is to find a page of a newspaper or a magazine, cut it out, and write about the layout style that we liked about it.

Then first period got out, and I kinda stood around waiting for someone I knew to pass me up or say hi so I could talk to them before second period. I walked towards the direction that Josh was coming from. I think he has English first, and yep, I saw him, but I had to go to the bathroom, so I ducked out in there. The line was too long, so I said forget it.

Then I went into Chemistry, where Mr. Morgans had a math assessment test waiting for us to take it. My God! Was it hard! I'd bet if I took that test at the end of the year I'd know a lot more of the answers than I did when I took it! So I was worrying on that, and it made me think about dropping the whole class altogether, and replacing it with Drama.

After second, I started to get my monthly cramp from my period, so I went somewhere to take a couple of Midols and water, then I saw Matt, and I told him my problem. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but I was jittery. I couldn't stop shaking. I kept waiting for Josh to come back from Vista and meet me by the Orchestra room. I never saw him, so I went upstairs in the Academic building for English. I couldn't concentrate in that class, when I asked Mrs. Moss if I could go to the office because by then, my cramp was inflamming much worse, and I was feeling really weak and pale and cool. She gave me a pass, and I went to the nurses office slowly, because I was afraid if I moved to fast I would throw up. I passed by Sarah, and she asked what's wrong. I just collapsed there, and she offered help, food, and whatever she could. I just said I needed to call my mom and lay down and practically die, because those cramps hurt like a bitch.

I got in the office and people kept going into the nurses before I did. The nurse let me call my gaurdian from a counselors office, and after that I went to lie down on a cot. By the time they got there, the cramp was almost gone, but I still went home. My gaurdian called the doctors to make an appointment because I keep getting these cramps on the first day of my period everytime. I have to go visit the doctor Thursday. I'm afraid something's really wrong with me.

My gaurdian left, and I laid down on the my bed for a half hour watching a movie. Then I went downstairs to eat and lay down more, and fell asleep for a couple of hours. During the time I was home, I thought about calling Kara's pager, and having her fetch Josh's pager number so I could page him and let him know what was up with me.

Now I feel bad about not meeting with him at lunch today, even though I wasn't sure if I was supposed to. He'll probably call around ten again tonight.

On other news, I found out some disturbing stuff about Jenna's boyfriend. Zack called me and told me about it. I asked him if I could tell her, but then decided he should tell her.

Anyway, that's all that happened today.

-my journal-

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