sunday: september twelveth, nineteen ninety-nine

sunday: september twelveth, nineteen ninety-nine

Again, I woke up at 7:30am. I told myself that I refused to get up before 8:30am, and that I must sleep in late because it is my weekend and my time to make up my lost hours of sleep. So I went back to sleep and woke up at 10:14am. I felt better.

My gaurdian bought donuts as usual, and I had this swirl thing that had coated suger on it. It was plain, but okay.

I brought that up to my room, watched some TV, and climbed into bed for a few minutes. Finally at 10:50am, I decided to get ready.

I was going to do an experiment this morning. I was going to blow dry my hair straight, something that I don't ever do, and since it comes out not totally straight, I have to straighten it. I did this this morning because I wanted to have straight hair tomorrow to kind of compliment my outfit, and I needed to time myself because I leave the house at 7:30am in the morning on school days to catch the bus.

I got really pissed at my hair. You should have seen me. I was so mad I was crying, throwing things, stomping my feet as hard as I could, and just throwing the hissiest fit. My hair just wouldn't straighten!! So I said fuck it, I'll just make it curly tomorrow. That'll also compliment my outfit, which is a spaghetti strap hawaiian print kinda dress with hawaiian type sandals. It's really cute.

I ended up putting my hair up in a ponytail, and pouted for the first hour. I went online, and went downstairs to eat some carrots. I threw on the jersey my gaurdian wanted me to wear for today's TV football game, Jacksonville versus the 49ers, who I don't care for. I don't care for football. My favorite team is the Redwood Rangers. Go Rangers! My school team rocks. We've won the hide 10 years in a row!!! More about that probably in November, that's when the Cowhide game takes place...

Anyway, I did my drama homework by observing my gaurdian while they watched the game. Then I went back upstairs and went online.

Some people came to look at our house. They had a little boy with them, and he wanted me to play with him, so I took a time out of ten minutes to play with him.

I finally got around to doing my English homework. I have to write a rough draft of a narrative writing on "To Kill A Mockingbird." It's 3 1/2 pages, I'm sure my teacher will accept it because she said to have 2-3 pages.

Then I went swimming, something I hadn't done in forever. It wasn't that fun. I took a shower and washed my hair, and blow dried it, then went back online and waited for dinner to get ready.

An hour later, I had dinner and watched the Sunday Night Disney Movie, which was "Sabrina in Rome" or something. I was very full, but it was good.

Now I'm back here online. Just your average boring Sunday as usual. But it's not my fault. You chose to waste your time reading about my life! No, you didn't waste time. You chose to spend your time of life reading about my time of life. Oh anyway....

Guess what: I love Nathan!

-my journal-

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