monday: september thirteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

monday: september thirteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

Wow, I can't believe it. I actually wore a dress to school. Last year I only wore a dress ONCE to school. ONCE. Most girls I know wear them once or twice a week, but me, once throughout the whole year. Give me a hand! *clapclapclapclapclap....*

Anyway, it was a hawaiian print spaghetti strap dress, and I looked cute. At first, I almost chickened out on wearing this dress because they make me self-concious when I wear them around people I know. But I said, "No, you can't. You gotta end this year a good one. Do this dammit!" So I did.

As usual, I hung out with Ben and Javier before school. I was begging and threatening Javier to tell me how I had changed since last year, and he wouldn't tell me. I dug my nails as far and deep as I could into his arm, slapped his arm like crazy, and got a hold of his shirt and wouldn't let go until he told me. The bell rang by then, and I was mad! I let him go to class (stupid freshman) and I went to mine.

Again, before second period, I saw him and Ben, and kept begging and begging for him to tell me. Then Mrs. Beck got in the middle of it, and told him he should tell me because he was the one that brought it up in the first place anyway! He still didn't tell me...grrr.

At lunch, I hung out with Sophia and Chelsi and their friends. Kara was there too, and anyway, it was no big deal.

After school, I hung out with Ben and Javier and Hasaan and Adam and them waiting for the bus. Ben kept punching me and being all pimpy and they were all teasing me, but it was fun. I gave them Skittles, they gave me drinks of their drinks. And they kept kicking the empty cans...

We ended up having a substitute bus driver, and he was all cool and we got this big ol' bus, so Javier and Adam ran to the back. And in front of Javier's seat was no seat cause it was an emergency exit. Then he goes "Hasaan! Sit here!" and pointed to the seat in front of him. Ben and Hasaan and Adam and I all started laughing our asses off, and he realized there was no seat and kept hiding his face while we continued to laugh at him, it was so funny. The driver even played Q97 throughout the bus.

Luckily, just as we were pulling up to my stop, Britney Spears came on, and I didn't have to hear it!

I got home, and the movie "Slums of Beverly Hills" was on. I'd never seen it, so I watched it while I emptied the garbage, emtied the dishwasher, and did my homework. Turns out I didn't have as much homework as I thought I did.

Now, I thought I had a tanning appointment today, but my gaurdian told me it was for tomorrow. So I went online, had a sandwich for dinner, did more homework, and went online. I also ran my mile. Now all I have to do is read two chapters in my book, a chapter or two in my outside book, watch the new episode of Road Rules, and go to sleep.

Wait! I forgot to tell you. I finally saw Josh by his locker before third today! But I didn't go up to him and say hi to him. I don't believe that "Can we be just friends" shit he was trying to lead me on with. How could I have been so stupid...that punk. He hasn't even called since the first of this month! So I fuck it, he's the one throwing away our friendship.

I count the days until Nathan's arrival.....

-my journal-

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