tuesday: september fourteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

tuesday: september fourteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

Ughhhhhh!!!! This was a bad day! Well, not bad, but a lot of things went wrong.

For starters, my alarm didn't go off at 6:10am like I wanted it to. Or was it 6:20am? Anyway, the point is, it didn't go off! It was around 6:50am when I got up; thank God my gaurdian was vacuuming, and the vacuum woke me up. Also thank God they had the day off, and I had a backup ride to school. I was ready a little bit after 7:30am, and couldv'e still caught the bus. But suppose it was 7:50am that I was ready? So I depended on that car ride...

We got to the school, and my gaurdian dropped me off in the Corvette. Now that's a teeny car. I had put my hair up in a clip while it was still wet, and then the clip caught on the top of the car as I was getting out, and then it came half way out and had to hurry and fix it! Grrrr!! I was frustrated! It ended up looking okay, but for half the day I felt like trash. My clothes didn't match my toe and fingernails, my hair was messed up.....

I saw Sophia, and she told me Nick, her love, called her last night when he got her letter. She was so happy.

Again at lunch, I ate with Sophia and Chelsi. For the first time since about 7th grade, I brought my lunch to school! Wow, it hadn't happened in a long time! And we ate over by the Ag building. Lunch seemed long today.

Drama was okay, we just read from a script from a play. We had to get in groups of twelve, and there were two main parts. I called for one of them, but someone had already "claimed" she had it "first." So then I got in my haughty mood and refused to do anything without telling anyone. Then the same girl asked if I wanted to be a lead. I went back to my happy mood and was a lead.

I thought about ditching Geometry today and going to the library, and I wanted Sarah to go with me too. Good thing we didn't. We took probably a million notes and we NEED these notes.

Finally school ended, and my gaurdian picked me up like I asked. Then I went home, and was gonna start my homework when "Airspeed" was on again! Luckily, it was near the end. I just wanted to see one part, and then turned it off and paid attention to my World History and Spanish homework.

I was beginning to start on my geometry homework, and for this specific assignment, it would have been possible to use a compass. So I kept whining and getting frustrated, and giving my gaurdian a whiny and crabby lip about needing a compass for math. We both got into a fight, and we were yelling at each other. I started crying, and they told me not to act like a baby. Like that was supposed to make me happy. I was really pissed, mad, angry, tired, sad....

Then my guardian took me back to school because I was working at a concession stand for Journalism at a volleyball game. I refused to talk to them during the car ride, and refused the money they gave me to buy food. They told me to take it.

I walked inside the gym where the games were, and my teacher and some classmates were worried something was wrong with me. I guess it looked like I had been crying, even though I washed my face and reapplied some make-up.

I ended up having fun with Jamie and that one girl, I can't remember her name. I ended up buying nachos before my shift ended, and kept drinking Storm the whole time, which filled me up fast.

I came back home, and remembered I had a compass. So I got it out, and tried to do my geometry once again. The compass is fucked up, so I said I'll just turn it in Friday. Then I studied a little Spanish, I knew all the material anyway. Now all I have to do is read two more chapters for English, and watch the Real World. And wait for Jenna to return my phone call...

I need to get laid. Real bad. By who? Nathan. *giggles* I told this to Jenna in a IM conversation last night, it was funny. I also wrote that to Sarah in a letter today...

-my journal-

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